Monthly Archives: July 2004

Sequel Day I guess?

31 July 2004

I saw Spider-Man 2 AND Shrek 2 with Dan, Keith & Ben all in one afternoon at the AMC Mercado, thanks to my birthday present of an AMC gift card from Nathania & Kevin…whew! Now I feel caught up at least… the last movie I saw (not counting Virgin Airlines) was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (on IMAX) of course… :)

I _really_ liked Spider-Man 2…I really can’t say whether I liked the first one better or not, since I think they are both excellently-told stories and different enough that they can each stand on their own…being severely-myopic myself, I absolutely love the whole seeing blurry through the glasses thing when his spider powers originally emerge and later return… 😉

Shrek 2 was absolutely hilarious! Worth the wait…have to get my hands on a copy of the DVD eventually just for all the storefront puns in the city of Far Far Away…we did see “Farbucks Coffee” and “Baskin & RobinHood’s”…hahaha…

Ah, but the best today was that I went shopping at TJ Maxx while I was near the Mercado, and I fit into a size 10 cute black skirt!!! 😀 I haven’t fit into anything size 10 in many moons! Granted, the size is probably mismarked, but the size 12 denim skirt I bought fits in the hips but the waist is a little big…so the end result is that I am very happy for the moment! :)

Now that I’ve eaten some dinner, back to importing tour video…

Life Goes On

28 July 2004

Several people have asked me if I plan to keep updating this blog now that we’re all back from tour? So, I figured, why not? I originally signed up to be more of a traditional blog anyway, so here goes… :)

I mentioned “tour withdrawals” in my last tour entry…boy have I had it bad! I’m not usually one for getting all emotional (channeling my Vulcan alter-ego?), and this didn’t happen after the last Choral Project tour to Costa Rica, but this time it hit me hard that I had been with people constantly for almost 3 weeks, then I was back to just my cat at home…luckily going to eat lunch at Apple HQ with Jen to get my laptop back really saved me the day after I got back! (Thanks, Jen!) Finally getting emails and YM chat with Melanie still in London has helped, and so has the spontaneous potluck BBQ party Nathania organized for my birthday yesterday, complete with delicious homemade chocolate cake! :-9 Thanks so much, Nathania! I do feel blessed to have such friends! :)

Now the daunting task of editing all that video footage from tour is staring me in the face…I have actually now started importing, so far getting through about 1.5 hrs of almost FOURTEEN, but at first I was reading the Final Cut Pro manual (1600 pages of PDF – ack!), then my weekend was unavailable because my father’s aunt Helen passed away from liver cancer last week, so my parents & I flew up to Oregon for the service on Saturday…I sure didn’t expect to be on another plane so quickly…I offered to sing in honor of Helen because I knew what it would mean to her for a family member to sing, and her family really appreciated it…the happy side was that I got to see and hold my cousin’s new baby born in May…so cute! So the last of the elder Peterson generation has passed, but the newest generation of our Peterson side has appeared…stop me before I start singing from the Lion King… 😉

I’ll leave you today with one last tour blog comment from Nick via email:

“How did you get so much information down in those few moments when we weren’t on the bus or in a bar?!”

heehee… :)

home again…

14 July 2004

Thankfully I hadn’t woken Sheila up when I came in late the night before, and thankfully again I didn’t hear her getting ready until 5:45, just in time for me to wash up & get my stuff together to load onto the bus by 6:20. I had decided just to wear my glasses on the plane so that made life easier. I didn’t feel like the cornflakes with the boxed milk, so I only had the muffin and the orange juice from the boxed breakfasts the hotel provided for us (we were too early for the hotel breakfast). Nick was proudly wearing his new Choral Project tour t-shirt and yawning every other minute like most of us were. Too bad we all (including me!) forgot about taking pictures with Nick until the morning we were all bleary-eyed! ah well…

We were off to Heathrow by 6:45, which was good since I heard Graham mention that rush hour traffic would be starting in 20 minutes. We checked in as a group by 8am, where I was almost the end of our line anyway, but I was very last to finish checking in since my checked bags were fine for weight, but they were insisting my carryon was too heavy, so I had to try repacking twice…argh! Robin also had the same problem and only finished a minute or two before me, so I didn’t feel quite so bad, but Nick did quip “Causing trouble again, Britta?” hehe… 😛 Since we were all checked in, Nick could finally leave us and go to his office, but not without goodbye & thank you hugs from us of course – We love you Nick! :) Let’s hope we really can work out that Choral Project organ concert Daniel insisted we do so we can have Nick come visit us!

Our flight wasn’t until 11am, but we had no gate assignment even scheduled to be released until 9:45, so we wandered. Maly & I went to Starbucks for coffee for her & a cranberry juice and cheese pastry for me, then she wanted Burger King. Maly went off to use an internet kiosk while I finished a couple postcards and filled out my customs declaration form. When 9:45 came around and we still had no gate assignment, we decided to go through security after exhausting all the shopping areas there. Still no gate assignment after smoothly getting through security, so since we found Lori and Suzanne, we set up “camp” and wandered around the duty-free shops. I never did find a Harrods shop to get some of the raspberry tea, but I saw others with Harrods bags when we landed – darn! No Archers in the duty-free area anyway, so just as well I bought my bottle at the Welshpool Safeway! 😉 We didn’t get a gate assignment until 10:40 when it said “final boarding” too! Ack! A massive herd of people all walked the 20 minutes down to our gate and got directly on the plane. It had gotten in late, hence the delay, so we didn’t take off until 11:37. I watched the Office Christmas special again, then since I was lucky enough to get the odd window seat where the tail started to taper, I had enough leg room I could doze for a few hours. I wandered a bit getting more wacky “going home” footage while giving my tailbone a break, watched Scooby Doo 2, then we were landing on time per the original schedule, making up time on the way. Customs & immigration were smooth for me at least, then Jeff picked me up around 3pm, and I was home to a very vocal kitty by about 4pm…where now this evening I am already having tour withdrawals *sigh*…I haven’t really been all by myself since before the trip, and there is only so much you can talk to your cat…although I was very pleased that I stayed exactly the same weight as before I left, even with all the alcohol I never usually drink! Good thing we were always walking everywhere… :)

Thanks for a fabulous tour everyone, and thanks to those of you who read the goings-on here! It was great to be able to read your comments before I wrote the next update each time…thanks!

Signing off for now…

Whirlwinds of London…

13 July 2004

To maximize our time in London, which wasn’t much already, we left Hayling Island by 9:30am, arriving on the outskirts of London just before noon. We had 45 minutes in Covent Garden for lunch, so Melanie ran off immediately to find McInternet (she actually found it inside a McDonald’s!), but I just had a Pria bar & went shopping by myself. I bought a small watercolor of London at the street market to keep my travel art collection going. Unfortunately, Lori, Kat & Mark weren’t back at the bus on time, so we had to leave without them. Lori had her cellphone so she called the ACFEA office and left a message that they’d just meet us at the Tower of London at 3pm, but Nick didn’t get the whole message, so he was quite stressed since this was the first time anyone had actually been left behind.

Doris was our guide for our whirlwind bus tour of London. The only stops were a quick photo op at Buckingham Palace then the Tower of London at the end. It is hard to see properly from inside a bus, especially Big Ben, but it was better than nothing. I felt badly for those who hadn’t been to London before and didn’t have the chance to extend their tours. It was an absolutely gorgeous day, which was very nice!

Britta and Melanie at Buckingham Palace (

At the Tower of London, Doris was very informative, but it took 45 minutes for just her Tower tour, so that only left 45 more minutes to explore on our own. Since we’d seen the crown jewels before, Kat, Kristin & Kevin, Maly & I went through the Medieval Rooms, then the gift shops, getting back to the bus just in time. At least we were all back together by then, so Nick was back to being his chipper self. :)

We checked in at 5pm at the Thistle Kensington Gardens on Bayswater, not to be confused with the Thistle Kensington Park or Thistle Hyde Park! 😉 Since Graham was just dropping us off for dinner, and so many people weren’t going on the bus to the airport in the morning, while he was unloading our bags, we stopped him, gave him an Americana CD (with Shenandoah on it – remember that’s his favorite!), a tour t-shirt, tips collected from all of us, and we sang Shenandoah for him. Graham’s eyes got a bit misty, which started Daniel crying, and I saw Kat and Melanie crying too…awww…Graham got on the mic himself on the bus & genuinely told us “I don’t want this tour to end”…so sweet!

Melanie didn’t want to wake up so early since she was extending her tour, so we traded roomies with Peggy & Sheila so only Sheila & I would be the ones getting up at the crack of dawn. Sheila & I had wanted to go to Harrods “just across the park” but we realized there was no way we’d get there & back in time to leave for dinner at 7pm, so we decided we’d walk in Kensington Gardens until we had to start back. We went by Kensington Palace, former residence of Princess Diana, then we had just enough time to reach the brand-new Diana Memorial Fountain. There is no official sign for the memorial, only a yellow paper warning that pets and children are your own responsibility. I was hoping for an explanation of why it was an irregular oval shape. I figured the fact that pets and children were allowed to play in the fountain felt like Diana’s spirit. It did feel welcoming and friendly to me.

We made it back to the hotel with 10 minutes to spare, then we all left on the bus for dinner at the Farmhouse Table on Shaftesbury near Soho. We had our own room, but the tables were situtated around a corner so it was a bit difficult to see everyone. I ended up sitting with Todd, Kathy, Anna, Kevin & Nick, which also gave me a good vantage point for the videocamera. We had an excellent salad, with the first salad dressing we had yet on tour – heh! Nick had chosen lamb for the entree for everyone except Robin. It was so tender it just fell off the bone, but I still could only eat half since that was just too much meat at one sitting for me. However, the ice cream and chocolate fudge cake squeezed in just fine – delicious! Daniel gave speeches galore thanking everyone, then he got Nick up there, raved about how great he is which is absolutely true, making him blush of course, gave him a CD, tour t-shirt and tips we collected for him, then we sang his favorite for him…Ubi Caritas by Durufle. I didn’t see anyone cry this time, but the usual criers were around the corner from me so I can’t say for sure… 😉

Melanie & I had discussed earlier that we didn’t really feel like following the other crowd in search of gay bars in hopes of staying up all night, so we asked Nick if there was anywhere near our hotel to go. Since we were staying practically in his own neighborhood, he suggested his own local pub the Windsor Castle in the Notting Hill area. Nick had to lead the group of everyone who wanted to go back to the hotel first anyway, so we all got on the tube (I was “deputized” to keep the group together while Nick bought our tickets), but Anna, Kevin, Melanie & I stayed on for one more stop to get to the pub first to meet Melanie’s friend Gareth. Gareth had just arrived at the hotel to pick up Melanie’s suitcase for her and called her, so since the timing was perfect, we had him meet us at the pub first. We thought that a few like Maly, etc, might come along with Nick from the hotel, but it was just Nick so it was just the six of us. Very nice pub, but Nick had warned us of the very low doors inside – “the Mind Your Head signs are posted at the height of your navel” I think was the quote…? 😉 There was a large beer garden in back, and it was still a nice night, so we waited out there until a table opened up – very busy for a Tuesday night! The cider they had on tap (Addlestone’s?) was the best I had the whole trip – infinitely better than the Strongbow everywhere else!

Since we arrived around 9:45, we only had time for two rounds before we were kicked out at 11:20, since the pubs all close at 11pm. While chatting up a storm, we got some good and silly photos, but not with my camera, so I’ll have to wait – darn! It was walking distance back to the hotel, but Nick said he’d take us on a bus instead…but since Gareth still needed to get Melanie’s suitcase anyway, he offered to take us in his car, so we all piled in. They all offered me the front seat for leg room, but it would have been much more fun as one of the four squished in the back seat! I did get pix of that – haha!

Mel, Kevin, Anna & Nick squashed in the back of Gareth's car! (

While Melanie & Gareth took care of her suitcase, the rest of us went straight to the hotel bar. I opted to sip Absolut on the rocks this time. After Gareth left, it was Melanie, Kevin, Anna, Nick & I chatting for awhile, then Keith, then Daniel, then Carolyn, Will, Ben, etc, came back, disappointed in the Tuesday night gay bar scene. Around 12:30, they all left, with big hugs for those we wouldn’t see in the morning when we left at 6:30am. Around 1ish we noticed they had closed the bar without even offering last call…hrmph! Kevin was pretty much crashed out on the couch by then, Melanie had gone to bed, leaving Anna, Nick & me still talking, but Nick claimed tiredness by 1:15 or so, so we all went to bed…a very nice final evening!

Next: going home…

Havant, the final concert…*sniff*

12 July 2004

After I left the Portsmouth library, I high-tailed it back to the bus, but I made it in plenty of time. We had taken the bus into Portsmouth instead of Havant since Nick found out there wasn’t any internet access in Havant (or much of anything else, it’s such a small town), and he said he knew we had to “feed our addiction”… 😉 After getting back to the hotel, while Melanie worked out in the hotel gym, I had enough time for a shower and a nap before leaving for Havant at 2:45…

We were getting to Havant an hour earlier than originally planned because Maly’s friend had arranged for the local bell ringers to give us a tour and demonstration of the bells in the tower, which was great! Too bad I elected to go on the second tour so I could wander around taking photos and video, since that’s when Nick got the organ keys and started noodling around…I heard it inbetween bells from up in the tower…darn! The bells and bell ringers were quite impressive…I think I finally might have maxed out the camcorder mic since I was standing directly in front of one of the gigantic bells while they rang it! LOUD! :)

Dinner was excellent, provided by the parish again. We gave them such a roaring thank you that the vicar said he didn’t think the ladies ever been thanked that well before! 😉 Nick sat between Denise and me for dinner, giving our whole table an excellent view of him turning beet red when the older lady clearing our table took advantage of a quick approximation of a hug by reaching around him with both arms and leaning into him! haha!

The concert went very well – a fitting final concert for the tour. Daniel kept crying after songs when he’d realize that was the last time we’d peform as this exact group. Marcus & Andy got caught in the same bad traffic we had the night before, so they came in about 15 minutes late during The Rose, but they heard most everything and were quite impressed – hooray! :)

After the audience had mostly gone, Nick had found music for Charles Wood’s O Thou the Central Orb for choir and organ, so we sightread while he played – awesome!!! We had told Marcus & Andy to stay around for that if they could – they were impressed that we’d never seen that music before! After that nice extra performance high, we all went to a private club next to the pub across the street from the church for a quick pint, then Melanie & me hugging Marcus & Andy goodbye before getting on the bus back to the hotel.

About half the choir went to the hotel bar when we got back, so I wasn’t the only one with that idea! Nick had been chatting with others at the bar before he came over to where Denise, Nat, Carolyn, Jenie, Kevin, Anna, Ryan & I were still sitting around 12:30. Denise was feeling the several double whiskeys she had, and Nick wanted to watch her Market Woman dance, so we sang while Denise danced with her hips directly in Nick’s face! hahaha! After we completely butchered Sicut Cervus since a man from Belfast requested we sing again, Nick gave up on us at 1am. Carolyn, Kevin, Denise, Anna & I went to room 37 where the facials were, and Jenie was teaching Lori, Kat, Daniel, Keith & Michael a game – right next door to Nick’s room, so I wonder if he heard Carolyn’s laugh? 😉 Another 2am bedtime for me…

Next: London, then home!

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