Monthly Archives: April 2008


29 April 2008

Disneyland was fun, I ate too much & bought too much. I almost didn’t bring shorts, but it was so hot I was really glad I did! Even though there were several tempting things that I was actually able to resist buying, I still ended up with Jack Skellington slippers, headband, t-shirt, and they even now have Jack Skellington Mickey ears so I couldn’t resist those. My Haunted Mansion pin I bought 2 years ago fell off & disappeared the first night, and I couldn’t find the same one to replace it, and worse was my little tiny iridescent Tinker Bell charm that I’ve had probably about 30 years got lost sometime Saturday night. Guess that means I shouldn’t display any pins or collectibles when at Disneyland?

More about the weekend…

Briata Birthday

10 April 2008

Ten years ago today I bought my brand-new midnight blue mica 1999 Miata, all by myself at the dealer, standing firm to not pay more than sticker – yes, it was less than 30 days since the new design had been released, so they were actually getting buyers to pay ABOVE sticker! I expected the fun to fade over the years, but it is still the best cure to drive home from a crappy day at work with the sun shining and the top down with the breeze in my hair!

I’ve invested enough recently that I sure hope the Briata lasts another 10 years! So far so good since another recent bumper mash is now fixed, not even 3 weeks after the transmission was finally working. I really hope that’s enough bad “carma” for now!


5 April 2008

I only realized tonight that the reason my embedded blog only ever showed ads for copyright and water filters is because my blog content is a cgi call to LiveJournal, not HTML content on the webpage that includes the ads. Duh! Since Google usually ignores keywords in meta tags, I added a summary description of my common blog content at the bottom above my copyright notice. Let’s see if the ads become more relevant after the Google spiderbots get a chance to work for a few days…

EDIT: only 12 hrs later and that’s much better now…