Monthly Archives: March 2008

cube with a view

27 March 2008

It’s taken awhile but I finally have my new cube with a view clean enough to show the whole thing. The weekend before Easter, there was a garage sale around the corner from my house, so I got the cute velvet upholstered chair for $10. It doesn’t match the bean bag, but it’s still purple, which is my second favorite color.

Compare my cluttered toy collection on the shelf behind me in my old cube, to what has now been edited down to my absolute favorites, positioned where I can actually see them instead of behind me, plus the first framed photo of Ebony & Onyx.

My Christmas box, a couple boxes of files, and the rest of my toys all boxed up are hiding behind the Initech sign. There are more photos in my gallery if you’re curious. Yes that is an Initech mousepad as well, since my Equinix ones are ratty with 5 years of use. Initech is the company in the hilarious movie Office Space – “So you’ve been missing work lately?” “I can’t say I’ve been missing it, Bob!” No, I didn’t get one of the red staplers though. 😉

We’ll see how long this “clean grownup look” lasts, since I’ve already put up a bunch of travel photos to remind me of fun times, edited from the previous entire wall of photos I had. I have a feeling I’ll end up succumbing to having more fun stuff around me, since that’s the stuff that makes me smile. At least since enough stuff is blooming in my yard at home, I’ve been able to bring in fresh flowers for 2 weeks now – last week quince blossoms and calla lilies, this time more calla lilies, lavender lilac, and pink false heather, so that’s nice.

TGIF tomorrow again…hope everyone has had a good week!

What Britta Means…?

24 March 2008

Eerily accurate, although lately my usual energy has seemed to be lacking…I wonder how they find this stuff from just your name? via Nathania

What Britta Means

You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous.
You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things.
Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You’re always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can’t handle you. You’re very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you’re likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It’s easy to get you excited… which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don’t stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless – and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You’re most comfortable when you’re far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You are usually the best at everything … you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic “Type A” personality.

The Continuing Adventures of Ebony & Onyx

19 March 2008

Ebony & Onyx should be full grown by now since they are now 6 months old, and Onyx is so big I sure hope he is! They are still as cute as can be, and still plenty rambunctious. I heard a bang-crash in the kitchen a few weeks ago, and it was a cookie tin that was stored above the top kitchen cabinets, inches from the ceiling, now on the floor, with Onyx running away down the hall. They are definitely not staying out by themselves all day without me there to check on them! I wonder if I’ll ever be able to feel they would be safe? Even when I’m in & out of the house doing projects, they do things like unroll an entire new roll of paper towels in the kitchen. They were able to bite through a bag of miniature chocolate candy rocks last weekend that I thought was safely put away, and it didn’t look like many were eaten, but Onyx had some diarrhea later poor thing. At least he made it to the litter box! I’m glad it wasn’t worse since I know chocolate is bad for kitties. Ebony probably didn’t like them since she was okay, however you can see below that Onyx is much more gastronomically adventurous than she is! I have also had to take the CatGenie apart several times now since random toys or strings get stuck and don’t allow it to drain properly. I can’t figure out where the kitties find all this assortment of string! I know long strings are bad for cats to eat since they can tangle in their digestive tracts, so I hope they’re just dropping toys into the litter box instead of being processed through the kitties, and I’m on the lookout now taking any long strings away. I am more afraid of them hurting themselves by doing something like that or breaking something that might hurt them than worried for my stuff’s sake. Things have been broken already of course, but thankfully nothing expensive or sentimental…yet? I’m trying to be better about not leaving anything important or dangerous where kitties can find them, but I’m obviously still learning. 😉

I think Onyx understands that he’s too heavy now to try sitting on my neck anymore, but Ebony still tries. She always wants on my lap, more than Onyx now, and if I’m sitting back enough, she’d rather climb up & sit on my chest. I guess my “pillows” are comfier than my lap? 😉 I still have mornings when I wake up with a kitty trapping my shoulder & neck, but Onyx seems to favor my legs now, so I’m trapped on both ends! Isn’t it awful to have to disturb kitties to get out of bed for work? I already have a hard time getting up in the morning, so I don’t need extra disincentive! Ebony is another story, but I also haven’t seen Onyx climb anymore, either my curtains or my bathrobe on the hook behind the door. Perhaps the night I came home and found my bedroom curtain rod on the floor was Onyx’s last attempt? Ebony seems to relish her vertical exercise, and my bathrobes and curtains are both showing the strain with claw marks & loose threads everywhere. I have bought matching replacement curtains for later if she ever stops climbing! I think they need a tall cat tree, but I need to do research on the best buy & best format. The ones I saw at PetSmart weren’t my preferred design for the $150 they cost. Something tall enough like up to the ceiling could go by the same bedroom window, then maybe that would be enough to make the curtain climbing not as attractive.

Cyd & I made a quick stop at BevMo last month, and I happened across this Schwartze Katte Riesling – in a black cat bottle! I had to buy two of course. Cyd was making fun of me buying two, sarcastically saying “of course the cats will know if you only bought one” but I said “_I_ would know I only bought one, and that’s what matters.” :) One is still unopened, and it’s drinkable but not a $10 riesling in my opinion. At least the bottle is worth it. I couldn’t get Onyx to pose, but Ebony cooperated nicely. :)

Ebony & Schwartze Katte Riesling

‘inappropriate urination’ progress


14 March 2008

Another frantic busy week at work, then evenings were going home & crashing, except Wednesday, when co-workers got together for a little impromptu cocktail party for our East Coaster being in town. Good wine, blood orange cosmos (yum!), tasty nibbles, including my manchego with homemade quince preserves, then Rock Band on XBox while my boss barely tolerated the noise…heehee…

I have been dubious about Rock Band, but…

almost 500 miles…

10 March 2008

…and the Briata’s latest transmission is still working. Can I exhale yet?

I don’t think so quite yet…

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