Harry's birthday party was such a success in 2002, all the guests, and even some
who weren't able to attend, begged me to have another Hogwarts
Celebration, but I thought celebrating Harry's birthday in that same way
every year might be a bit redundant, so I shrugged them off with a "we'll
see"...but in January 2003 what wonderful news to mine eyes did appear
but that Book 5 was coming in June of that year! I immediately
told everyone to save the date to celebrate
Year Five at Hogwarts!
This has was the largest party I have ever hosted (yet?), with 50 people total - whew! As soon as the Year Five party was over, I was asked about "next year" but the next full-blown Hogwarts Celebration will be "Year Six at Hogwarts"...whenever that might be! Here's hoping it's not another three years...
![The Invitations](../titles/invitations.gif)
(delivered by Owl Post, of course!)
The actual invitations with complete instructions for the intensely curious...this year with a permission slip for Hogsmeade!
![The Preparations](../titles/preparations.gif)
I was able to use a lot of the props I had original made for Harry's Birthday, but I couldn't just leave it at that. Here are the final invitations, some preliminary decor, also Frequently Asked Questions for the invitees...
![The Decorations](../titles/decorations.gif)
All the Hogwarts Classrooms, the Blue Lady painting, the Trophy Case, the flagstone walls, the Quidditch Pitch, and more...
![The Wizard Fashions](../titles/fashions.gif)
All the guests who bravely wore their wizarding attire and who won which prize...
![The Sorting Ceremony](../titles/sorting.gif)
My own leather Sorting Hat, complete with thoughtful face, separated all the guests into one of the Houses...
![The Recipes](../titles/recipes.gif)
Hogwarts and Honeydukes recipes served at the party, including Butterbeer, Pumpkin Juice, Treacle Tarts, Pumpkin Pasties, Licorice Wands, Peppermint Toads, Acid Pops, and more...
...and last, but not least...
![The Party!](../titles/party.gif)
Photos of the fun had by all, making their own Potions, the Young Wizard Treasure Hunt, even Nerf Quidditch, and including highlights from the webcam broadcast...
![Teeny Britta Blvd](../../Images/teenyBB.gif)