Prayers for Baby Sister
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Natasha Griffin - Author About the Author

Natasha Griffin is a wife and stay at home mother of one son. She and her husband are currently adopting a daughter from China. When beginning the adoption paperwork process, the author prayerfully sought God for the answers to questions that her young son asked about adoption and what it would mean to bring home a baby sister. The result is this book which she hopes will help other families answer the tough questions that their children may have regarding adoption. Natasha is a Sunday school teacher and children's Bible study group leader at her church located in a small mountain community of Northern California.

Britta Peterson - Illustrator
About the Illustrator

Britta Peterson has been drawing as long she can remember, with early lessons from her artistic grandfather. As a friend of the author since their pre-teen years, Britta is delighted to bring this story to life through colored pencil and line drawings, showing how a loving family teaches their son about the adoption process. Be sure to watch on each page for ladybugs, a Bible verse, and both special stuffed bears!

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Prayers for Baby Sister

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Prayers for Baby Sister is an original publication of Britta Blvd Publishing. All text copyright © 2008 Natasha Griffin. All illustrations copyright © 2008 by Britta M. Peterson. All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever except as provided by U.S. Copyright Law. For information address Britta Blvd Publishing.
The Prayers for Baby Sister website is copyright © 2008 Britta Blvd. All rights reserved. All text, photos, graphics, artwork and other original material on Britta Blvd are copyrighted and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without prior written consent.