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Throughout my whole life, I have been the only Britta I have ever met in person. This is still technically true, since I haven't actually met any of the following people face to face, but until I put up this website, I never realized how many Brittas there really are in this small world of ours!
As you can see by some of the responses below, I was often asked how I got my name, which finally inspired me to put up my What's in a Name? page. Since lately more and more Brittas have been asking about nicknames, I have also now added the Nicknames of Brittas Worldwide page.
Here are some of the e-mails I've received from other Brittas (I have not included the return e-mail addresses on purpose unless requested)...most of them were as surprised as I was to hear of another Britta...!
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2001 19:41:00 EDT
Subject: You rule!
Hello Britta!
My name is Britta too! This website is so cool! I also thought that I
was the only person around who had such a unique name. People butcher my name
all the time. My friends think this is hilarious so they keep some of the
buthcherings as my nick names. Notice my sn starts with "Beeta". That is what
my closest friends call me. My mom came up with my name becasuse it reflected
ny welsh ancesetory. Britta is derived from the isle of Britain. I do
pronounce my name differently from you though. Thanks for putting up this
website. If you hadn't I know I would have someday. Talk to you later!
Love always,
Britta Gerdes
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 15:31:08 -0700
Subject: pronunciation???
Ok, so you pronounce your name Breetah? I don't. Anyways. I do
know someone who does, but they spell their name "Brita." My parents say my
name is Swedish, too, though... People do call me stupid things about water
filters, and that makes me REALLY mad. I'm gald I found your website. We
were sitting in the computer lab at school once, and started typing
everybody's name in. Somebody's website turned out to be soem bread
company. But that's not important. Thanks for the website!
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2001 20:15:00 EDT
Subject: Britta
Some of my nicknames include: Britannia, Britties, Bretta, Brata, Breda, and
Peanut Brida and of course water, water girl, and H2O
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 22:38:55 -0700
Subject: hey Brittas!!!!
Hey Britta's
i have actually met a total of 9 Britta's in my lifetime. were any of you born on 12/02/86?? that would be so cool! i actually went on a trip to France with my mom's college, and i met another Britta on that trip! one of my best friends who lives in Anchorage, Alaska has a few Britta's at her school. ever since i was little, i have been called Britta Water Filter, Britts, Shits, Shitta, Bratta, Peanut Britta, and EVERYONE asks me what Britta is short for. i pronounce it Brih-tuh, although i like Breeta also. i am half swedish, and half German, so my parents wanted a name that reflected that. everyone always asks me to repeat my name like a hundred times--is it that hard??? i guess you all have the same prob!! this is a cool site! luv ya all!!!
~britta~ in San Diego, Ca
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 21:36:12 -0500
Subject: nicknames for britta
my name is britta. they call me "tree", because i am very tall. britters because my friends dad made it up during a basketball game. everyone calls me the brita water filter. especially a teacher of mine. u can see why i get called that. ttfn
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 23:22:21 EDT
Subject: another britta....
Hi, Britta. Tonight, I have done what so many other Britta's have done. I
typed in my name to see what came up. This is so exciting!! I like so many
others have never met another Britta. I have only met two people who
actually knew another Britta. I never knew there were so many of us. It's
kind of funny because all of our stories sound similiar. I don't understand
why nobody can pronounce our name correctly. Everytime I introduce myself I
have to repeat myself several times. By the time they finally get it right,
their like, "Oh! like the water filter Brita". It drives me crazy. Anyway,
I'm 23 yrs old and about to graduate from college. (I'm in the radiography
program) I live in Gainesville , FL. I can't wait until I graduate. I'm so
ready to start my career in healthcare.
I received the name Britta from my father. Actually it a pretty cool
story. At least to me. He got my name from a book. Its called "The
Drifters"(by:James A. Michener). One of the main characters is Britta. We
have our own chapter titled "Britta"(not many people can say that). Anyway,
he thought that it was a pretty name so when I was born he named me Britta
I have enjoyed your website. Thankyou so much for taking the time to make
it. I'm still in shock. I guess I'm not the only one afterall. Hopefully,
one day I will meet one of you, Britta's.
Britta Rummel
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 02:58:04 -0000
I think all of my crazy nick names have already been mentioned but I was deffinately surprised when I saw that Brighta was mentioned. My brother thought it up when I kept calling him names! I guess that he wasn't very origional!!!!!
Anyway. I thought I'd tell you a funny story. I have always loved to write and think. For a while I would always talk weird too. When I would speak gramatically incorrect, people would correct me then I would spit out that I was creating my own language. Well, one time, a smart alec guy said "Oh, and what are you going to name your language? British?" He was soooo clever! I have been telling people that since and there hasn't been anyone who hasn't laughed!
One other thing I find really funny are kids (I'm only 15) who ask if my dad owns the Brita Water Filter Company. Some kids I can really get going and they actually believe me (didja know that gulible isn't in the dictionary?) I always get a laugh out of that!
Happy to know I'm not a loner out there!
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 19:49:57 -0700
Subject: ma nickname fool!
Hello there, my name is Britta, as you already have figured out, and I have some more nicknames to go with my name that is pronounced: Brihta, short "i" sound.
ahem, now for the nicknames:
Britanzania(ma favorite)
And others too...Bye!
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 16:17:38 -0700
Subject: nice site
At age 20, I worked at a job with another Britta, someone said my name and
it wasn't me they were wanting. It was all very strange. Now, 8 years
later, I play Ultimate Frisbee and there is another Britta who plays in my
city. It seems to take a while for Brittas to come along, but they do and
are always great.
My nicks include:
Itty Britts,
Itty Bits,
Peanut Britta,
(my least fave, thanks to my bro) Shitta.
--Britta Ann Steele
Date: 28 May 2001 12:14:06 -0700
Subject: yet another Britta
Hi. My name is also Britta, and I have never come face to face with anyone named Britta besides in Germany when I was little. I am from Canada, both my parents having come here from Germany.
I am really just writing to say that I love the site. And I was wondering if anyone knows what the meaning of our name is?
If anyone wants to chat, just email me!!
again, I love the site!
Britta Hueggenberg
Date: Wed, 23 May 2096 15:24:51 -0500
Subject: nicknames
When I was in high school:
Not so Brighta (honor student so it made it funny)
At a gymnastics meet the coach forgot to cross to ts'and messed up the a on
my name and they announced "Captain Brillo Peterson" So therefore I aquired
to nickname "Brillo Pad".
Peanut Britts
Brick given to me by my friend Joe who I called Joke.
Bert- I hate this one, but good story to it.
Bea- my husband.
Miss Britta- now that I'm in the south.
I am Swedish and my parents prefer the Swedish Breeta but I got tired and so
did they of explaining how to say my name so it is pronounced Britt-ah
Britta Jean
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 14:37:37 +0200
Subject: another Britta...
Hi Britta,
Just to let you know; here's another Britta! I'm 29 years old and I live in Holland.
Funny to readÊso many mails from so many Brittas!
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 16:21:19 -0000
Hi Britta,
I used to run a lot so my name appeared in the papers now and then as: Prita or Vanetta. I just got a credit card yesterday with "Birta" on it. And my least favorite mispronounciation is "Bread - ah". Ugh.
Cool website!
Britta H.
Date: Sat, 5 May 2001 18:14:31 -0700
Subject: HI
I was browsing through the web and was owndering if there was a britta.com. I am a leo too. I like your web site it's fun!
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 23:48:08 +0200
Subject: hi britta!
Hi everybritta!*
i think its cool to know that there r so many other brittas out there
having the same problems with nicknames like me. i actually don`t know many brittas. i know two from two stupid tv programs, and an old friend of my sisters and last but not least my friend britta form salzburg.
and as to nicknames mine have been so far:
if anybritta* wants to mail me, my email addresse is: britta_barton@hotmail.com
bye britta
*instead of using anybody, everybody, how about using anybritta, everybritta?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 15:53:59 -0700
Subject: from one Britta to another
Hi Britta,
I am a fellow Britta although my name is pronounced
"Brih-da". My name was my great great great great grandmother's maiden name. I too have been called burrito and whenever people can't pronounce my name I always say "you know, like the water filter" hence my e-mail address (LikeTheH2o@aol.com). My all time favorite nickname is Bert, my little brothers friend calls me that. My mom calls me Pretty Pretty Britty. My sister calls me Peanut Brittle or Gritts. My Aunt calls me Bwidda. My friends grandma still thinks my name is Gretta! My bro calls me Brit-Brat (kinda like Kit-Kat). A boyfriend called me Britta-Babe. Itsy Bitsy Britsy (one of my favorites). My manager calls me Calistoga or Alhambra, and of course Avian. If you've ever seen Superstar you'll all remember the part that goes "Your mom named you after a water!". I almost started crying. But I enjoy having what I thought was a unique name until I came upon this website ;) I hope you guys are enjoying my name as much as I am...
Britta S. - California - 18
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:40:23 +0200
I want to be part of the brittas worldwide toooooooooo!!!
What I would really like to know is:
Is there any britta out there who was born on the 3rd o Cotober in 1974?
(this is my birthday).
Ic have some new nicknames for the list, as I am german they are different I
guess....Britsch, Bridji, Brittel...
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 23:17:39 EDT
Subject: HI my name is Britta too!
My sister is Kirsten and I am Britta and she found your website and after
reading the history of your name...I had to e-mail you!
My father is 100% European Swede! And my parent's named me Britta with no
middle name...I think they thought my first name said it all. And I had to
laugh with the water filter comments...I get those too! But, my name is not
pronounced Bree-tah...I pronounce it like the water filter. The most
annoying thing is when people pronounce my name "Bridda". So many people
butcher the English language and it is so lazy when they don't pronounce the
"t" but substitue it for "d". Most of my friends call me Britt! I like that
It is wonderful to hear my Swedish godparents pronounce my name because they
My favorite Swedish food is Marzipan, Lutfisk (a Swedish white fish) and
Caviar (Kallas the kind that comes in a tube)....mmmmmmmm!
I am a Grand Achiever with Mary Kay Cosmetics and live in Ohio!
What do you do?
Great Website! How original and fun!
Your same name friend,
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 00:47:52 -0400
Subject: OH MY GOSH
Dear Britta ( that's sooo weird to type),
I can't believe this! All my life i have only known one other
Britta! and i come across this site and boom! Hundreds of us!!! It is so
I read a lot of the other e-mails and I know what you mean about the
water filter thing! I have a couple ppl that for the herck of it call me
water filter... it drives me crazy! I get questions all the time like
"what's your real name?" and "How in the world did you get your name?"
And the answer to that is my parents liked the name Brittany, but they
decieded that there were just to many of them. So they shortend the
name!! : 0)
is!! Please e-mail me at flutterby_brit@hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 07:20:47 -0500
Subject: Another Britta
I just came across your web site. I am new to the computer and didn't know how to add my two cents to your long list of other Brittas, so I am e-mailing you. Here I am, another Britta from TEXAS. I was named after my Swedish Grandmother, Britta Lena Nelson. I have run into a few Brittas over the years, but was I surprised when I typed in BRITTA and came up with 12,725 web sites! . As to nicknames I had one though school. I was easily embarrassed so all the boys called me Brit Tit.
I live on a beautiful lake here in North Texas, but also have a farm outside of Checotah, Oklahoma. I have five children, seven grandchildren and was "Ms. Texas" in 1999. I thought I was going to get to be on Survivor 11 in the Outback, but I guess they took me too serious when in my video I was hugging my neighbors big new Winabago....telling them, "This is my luxury item......"
For anyone who would like to be in touch my e-mail address is:
Don't you just hate it when spell check keeps wanting you to change Britta - in to BRAT....
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 09:21:15 +1200
Subject: britta
my name is britta. and i live in new zealand, but i was born in vienna.
my friends call me britta the fritter.and my friend called adele calls
me britta the fritter that lives in kitty litter.
from the onwer of the bestest name in the world!**********
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 17:23:12 -0500
Subject: nicknames
My friend Robby was thrilled to find this site! I live in Valdosta, GA now
but I was born in Germany (my father was in the Army for just a short while)
in 1968. My mother told me that she knew a girl who lived in the apartment
just down from them named Britta. She didn't really like her but she liked
her name. Hey, now - there's a way to start out, eh? I do pronounce my name
like the water filter (the Americanized version) but get called most of the
common things you and all the others do. My little cousin called me Bickie
when he was a baby and my name was misspelled at a conference as Britia so
my friends sang the "Brusha, brusha, brusha" song using "Britia" instead. I
have had very few unique nicknames that stuck, however. I work for a small
school system in South Georgia and have lots of contact with parents in my
position as the Educational Diagnostician (I am basically the Assistant
Special Education Director - and have applied to be THE Sp. Ed. Director for
2001-2002). You should hear some of the mispronunciations of my name. I get
these not only from the parents of the students with whom I work but I have
gotten them throughout my life from my own teachers, peers, and even
extended family members (you know - the ones you only see every five years
at the family reunions). Greta, Giget, Brenda, Breta, Brittany (show us the
belly), Brula (one of my favorites) - you guys know what I am talking about.
If someone calls our office and stammers, "Can I speak to... um..." the
secretary simply says, "Would you like to speak to Britta Mink? Let me get
her for you." It is not that hard a name. I just don't understand. Oh, well.
I love the site! Great idea!!
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 18:41:28 EST
Subject: from a britta
HI! My name, if you haven't already guessed is Britta. I was surprised when
I found this website that showed me how many other Brittas there are in the
world. I also have a black cat; her name is Miss Kitty. I am 13 years of
age, and I know no other Brittas. I have the most awesome red hair as I am
of Irish lineage. You have a good day. Vios con Dios mi amigo.
Love ya and thanks for showing me all the other Brittas. I feel so loved!
Britta Ann Durham
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 22:55:33 -0600
Subject: nicknames of britta
hey yet another britta in the world.
some of my nicknames are Britz (breets), burrito, brit, and brita water
this is a neat website! thanx
-britta maia
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 16:53:46 EST
Subject: greetings from germany
hello britta,
it's strange so write an e-mail to your own name. i was sitting infront of my
computer like hypnoticed
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 22:03:01 EST
Subject: nickname
My sister's name is Britta and I like to call her "Bird" or "Birdy" something
of that sort. Thought I'd just make a suggestion to your site a little.
Blair H.
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 16:56:36 +0100
Subject: Incredible!
First of all, I hope that you do get this email, because I noticed that all email-entries stopped in September 2000...
Just like many others, I simply tried my name as web address and got to you. And I was really surprised and excited! I am from Germany, and here Britta is a normal name, not too common but well-known. I actually know by now 3-4 other girls named Britta, although in school I was the only one.
What's actually very interesting: In 1991 I spent my senior high school year in Reedley, California (near Fresno...) and everyone had problems, but not with my first name! No one had heard the name Britta before, but it was most of the time pronounced correctly (Brittah or Briddah). But my last name, Behrends, usually was a real problem!!! That's why I mainly was the exchange student with only a first name... ;-( I found it really funny to see that there are actually Americans "my" name and that they do have problems with it!
Your homepage and all the things you do looks very interesting, unfortunately I did not have the time to go through everything... But I am sure that I will do that occasionally!!!
By now I simply send some longing greetings to the US and some normal greetings to you!!!
Bye, Britta
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 11:04:25 EST
Subject: hey from another britta
after calling my best friend jen nenny she started calling me brib or bribba.
i looked and that was the only name that i have been called that wasnt on
there. someone finally found something original!! lol, i hear them all. i
love the page, thank you for making it. i also get britta lynn due to my
middle name. that and magpie, dont ask me, i have no clue y lol
love ya
Britta E. from Long Island
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 22:15:40 -0800 (PST)
Subject: i found your website
Hello. Like many others who wrote into your web site,
I came across it too because my name is
Britta(Bri-ta)soft i. I'm 23 and live in Texas, so
many of the southern folks tend to not pronounce the
"t" in my name...which makes it sound like Brida.
Maybe it's the lazy drawl we southerners have.
I didn't realize so many Brittas lived in the USA. My
family is of German decent so I knew Britta was a
common name there.
My nicknames are the same as others have posted, but
one guy I have chatted with from Norway told me that a
negative nickname to Britta there is fitta.
Anyways, I enjoyed your web site. BUT, I was hoping to
use my name, or shall I say OUR name, for my own web
site. Oh well, first come first serve. :)
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 23:59:17 +1000
hi, my name is guess what.....BRITTA
I love my name and i can't imagine any one else having the same name as me.
I've never met any one with my name and i 'm glad that i have now. Hooray
for Britta. My name comes from my Sweedish Grandma. When people ask me if my
name is short for anything, i tell them it's short for Kimberly. Some of
them believe me. Well, see ya Brittas.
PS- you all have a good name!
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 22:08:11 -0600
Subject: Britta From Plano, Texas - 2001
Hello All You Brittas!
I love this website www.britta.com!
I was named after a Swedish Princess (Britta) and my sister
Astrid was named after a Swedish Queen. I read another e-mail
where there are two other sisters named Britta and Astrid. What
a coincidence!
I share many of the nicknames and name stories with the rest of
the Brittas around the world.
Born in Germany, immigrated to Montreal, Quebec, and moved to
Dallas Texas where the name "Britta" is still a novelty.
I know one other Britta, who lives in Heide, Germany.
Nicknames Over the Years: Britts, Britt, Aunt Gritts (young
nephew), Peanut Brittle (elementary school), and Brittsy (only my
Mom can get away with that one).
I'm a Vice President of Marketing and work and reside in Plano,
Its a pleasure to meet all of you. Finally!
Britta K. Steele
Plano, Texas
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 16:31:55 +0100
Subject: Another Britta
Hi Britta,
this is again another Britta from Paderborn in Germany.
I think your website is great and like the other Brittas I alway had to
spell my name and was the only one in the classs who had this name.
Just wanted to say Hi, take care and good luck from
Britta Dessel
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 22:01:51 EST
Subject: Another Britta
Hi, I am yet another Britta! I was born just 8 days ago. My mom and dad had
a hard time coming up with my name. I was almost a Charlotte. My dad lived
in Denmark for a couple of years, and so my brother, Jakob, and my sisters,
Anika and Natasja, all have Danish names. Anyway, it looks like I have a lot
of torment to look forward with the water filter thing, but I love my name
anyway. Just wanted to say hello from Arizona
Britta V. B.
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 14:58:39 -0600
Subject: Hey! My name is Britta (Bree-tah) too!
Hi! Today, I thought it would be kind of fun to type in my name to see
if it was a website, and it was! Cool! My name is Britta (Bree-tah)
too. I know what you mean about being annoyed when people call you
Brih-ta, because it happens to me all the time. Although, I'm pretty
used to it, so I just let them call me whatever they want. I was named
after my great, great, great, great, grandma Britta Maia from Sweden,
and am very proud of my heritage. You have a really neat website, but I
was just wondering, how old are you? I'm only 13, but I'm assuming that
you're probably a little older than I am!:)
Well, it's cool to know that there are other Britta's out
there, and thanks for putting up this website!!! Hope you write back!
Britta Maia
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2001 3:37 PM
Subject: yes another Britta
Jan 13, 2001
Dear Britta,
I just happened across your web site, what a great idea. I named my daughter Britta Greer M. She is 10 years old on the 16 of this month. We have never met another Britta either. My name is Susan Eklund, and I was raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba and my whole childhood people would say to me are you related to Britt Eklund. She is an actress from Sweden. I asked my father about this since he was from Sweden and he said the proper name is Britta. Ofcourse I loved the name and because I new of no other person with that name that made it even more special. So my daughter is Britta and she has blond hair and blue eyes, and of course is very special.
Hello to all the special Britta's out there!
Bye for now
Susan Eklund M.
Calgary, Alberta,Canada
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 15:07:08 -0500
Subject: Whatta
Hey there.
I think your name is sooo cool. My birth name is Brittany and I am from
Pikeville, Ky. I guess you are wondering why I am emailing you. Well, you
see, most people know me by Britta, so I know all about the shocking
responses you get from your college professors, classmates, etc.
My cousin shortened my name to Britta on a 4-H agenda that was copied and
handed out. (He was too lazy to add the last two letters to my name.) Then
it started... Everyone called me Britta, and it just stuck.
Now, I am in a sorority and I am referred to as "Whatta". Yes... You heard
it right. It's in relation to the Brita water system. So there you go.
Yet another lovely nickname for the Britta's of the world.
Britta Smith
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 18:21:05 +0100
hello britta
I just want to say to you that my cat's name is Britta. I come from Norway, and in Norway some people has that name, but we pronounce it like "Britta". Britta is not a catname, but the woman who gave her to uss was called Britta.
Bye Frida
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 20:31:37 -0800
Subject: Yet another Britta
You really can find anything on the internet! I've never met another Britta
in my life, and I'm thrilled to find a website dedicated to my
once-thought-origional name. I'm Britta A. of Poulsbo, Washington,
USA, age 16; my birthday's October 9th, 1984, any matches? I too have the
nick-name "peanut-Britta," and was amazed to find that I'm not the only one.
My intrests are rock- climbing, telemark/alpine skiing, mountaineering,
running, soccer, pottery, and art. Any Britta's out there want to be e-mail
buddies? You can find me at- b_ambauen@hotmail.com
Britta :-)
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 02:05:42 -0000
Subject: just another Britta
So, I was searching for various soccer websites (what I do when I'm bored)
and I decided to look for "Britta". I was really just curious to see if
anything came up besides the infamous Brita Waterfilter. I saw your webpage
and decided to check it out. When I got to the "Britta's Unite" section, I
just started laughing hysterically. I would have never guessed that there
were actually so many Britta's out there. It's great.
I am from the great state of PA, yes..one of the American Britta's. I
noticed that Britta was a very common name around Germany. (hmm..should be
great for extra credit in German!) I have met two Britta's myself, and it
was strange calling someone else by my own name. I am told that I was named
after a character on a soap opera. Well, I am 14 (still a little kid around
here)and I am being forced to go to bed. I have school in the morning! lol.
PS-The website was great..I'll make sure to visit it again.
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 22:32:04 EST
Subject: To Britta From Britta
Some of the nick names I have been called are:
Yada- my bro trying to say my name when he was a baby
Brittle- I'm skinny so I get that one a lot
Britts- My uncle calls me this
Water filter- numerous people
Britney- my bro calls me this now
and whenever I meet some one and introduce myself they think my name is
Brenda or Gerta.
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 15:46:10 -0500
Subject: Britta's website
I was so excited to find this website. I had a very good friend in named Brita (she pronounced it Bree-ta), but she was the only one. I too endured all the nicknames, and even had people tell me they would not pronounce my name correctly!
Can you believe it? One of my friend's father told me that because the "tt" was not really pronounced like a hard "t", he would not say Brit-ta (like my parents pronounce my name).
So, like other Britta's have said on this site, I learned to live with knowing others would not pronounce my name correctly at first. My parents always pronounced my name with a hard t sound. Is that how you pronounce it?
My middle name is Diane and my maiden name is Larson. My dad is from a Swedish family and my name came from a Great-Great-Great-Great Aunt Britta. Now I am married to a guy from a German family, so my last name is Gaupp. Talk about a really hard name to pronounce.
For the nicknames... I always got the usual suspects, Britta the Water Filter, Peanut Brittle, Peanut Britta.
By my friends, I got the Britta with the long, rolled r, Brittster, Brittaroni. My brother could never get the BR sound so he called me Pritta for the longest time. It was really cute.
I think it would be cool to have a Britta's around the world directory, don't you think? Thanks for the website. I live in Washington, D.C. and am 27.
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 16:42:48 +0100
Subject: Britta
Greetings from Britta, Cologne/Germany!
I wish you a merry christmas!
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 10:23:09 EST
Subject: Britta is a winner!!!!!!
I have a daughter named "Britta". She began life as "Brita" but it soon
became obvious that Americans would pronounce it with a long "i" as in
(an option that you don't seem to discuss). So-o-o-o, I made an affidavit
to the Missouri department of vital statistics to the effect that the doctor
had misspelled the name and she (from about the age of one year) has
been "Britta" ever since--and just in case someone were to name a
water filter system "Brita". You make a great deal of the pronounciation
(entirely correct--I spend a LOT of time in Sweden) but we use an
Americanized version because of the fear that people would start
substituting a "d" for the two "tt's". Get it? So where is "Britta Blvd?"
My Britta now lives in New York City, has a doctor's degree, and
is on a university faculty.
Have a Happy Holiday season or as we say in Swedish: God Jul och
Ett Gott Nytt Ar".
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 15:08:44 -0800 (PST)
Subject: wrting from britta to britta
hi i spoke to another britta just like 5 min ago i am getting a comp of my
own soon so i can reply sooner well sorry so short longer letter later
love forever always and a day britta dawn br***oe
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 21:52:19 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Hello!
My name is Brita with one "t". I pronounce it Brit-ha. I cam across your
site after not finding a site with my own name (besides the water
filter). I am confused about the whole name and pronounciation thing. I
got my name from Swedish ancestors. My grandmother is Swedish and she has
always pronounced it Brit-ha. I was reading the other emails that people
have sent to you and noticed the different pronounciations. Oh, well! I
guess you can pronounce or spell it however you want. Anyway, I was glad
to come across your site. I have always had my name spelled wrong (with 2
t's) and pronounced wrong and it really bothered me. And ever since I
moved up to Seattle I always get asked if my name is just like the water
filter. People are so intrigued sometimes that I don't understand it.
Gotta go cause I don't know what else to say.
Brita H.
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 18:42:33 -0500
Subject: My name is also Britta
A lot of people call me Brit, The Waterfilter, Brister.
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 20:36:14 -0800
You won't belive this! Our name means High Godess
I can't believe this!
ny Britta j
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 15:00:53 +0100
Subject: other britta
Hai Britta,
Yesterday I met the first Britta I've ever seen. She told me about your
site, it's great.
Most of my friends call me Britt and if my father is angry he calls me my
full name. Some of my friends say Britsky or Britje. I come from Amsterdam,
working as a projectmanager for events and I'm 30 years old. I noticed in
the newspapers that a lot of Britt's are born at the moment. Also I saw
Anne-Brit and Brit-Marie.
Please let me know if we have a reunion somewhere; it would be great.
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 14:12:41 -0500 (EST)
Subject: nicknames/butcherings
hello brittas!
i hate having my name butchered when i dont ask for it but then sometimes i
just want a change, sooooo here i go...
annoying butcherings~
ditta(my brothers couldnt pronounce my name)
Okay nicknames~
brittzelz(sounds kinda like pretzels)
brittaflip (my email)
well g2g
Brittaflip@juno.com email me!
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 16:26:07 -0400
Subject: britta
I used to carpool with a girl in my class and they were friends with a
dj at the radio station that all our friends listen to. Her mom sent in
a fax saying that he had to say somethining to calm us down. She didn't
think he would pronounce my name right ( brih-tah ) so she said it was
like british but with an a, and he pronounced it briht-a ( with a long a
). My friends still haven't stopped calling me that.
Other Names:
Brit-Brat-my brother
Water Filter-everybody
Britter the Critter-my best friends
Brittle Spice-my teacher now
Bwweeeeta-my kindergarten teacher
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 22:25:31 -0500
Subject: Fellow Britta
>From a fellow Britta, (I pronounce it without the "E" sound) My most common
nickname is water filter, since the commercials "Brita water is better
water" came out with the Brita water filter. It was nice to hear from other
Britta V. H.
Houghton, Michigan
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 13:55:52 +0000
Subject: Britney
Hi Britta,
great website! All the stories on nicknames from all around the
world are quite amusing.
I would like to add another one, which I am usually called ever
since an Ameican girl became a pop star: Britney.
I haven't figured out why...
There seem to be a lot of Germans called Britta (well, I am one
myself but haven't come across many others). I am studying on
Portsmouth, UK, and here a lot of people have difficulties
pronouncing my name. I don't particularly like it, but I guess my
fate is to cope with that. Your website makes all Brittas feel
somewhat special!
Great idea!
Britta Schmidt
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 22:56:09 -0500
Subject: from a one-t friend
hi Britta! My name is Brita and I am from Salem, Massachusetts, although right now I am a student at Smith College in western Massachusetts. Last year, I was shocked to discover that my roommate at school had my name! I had never met another Brit(t)a before, and although my roommate spelled her name with two t's, I was thrilled to encounter someone who understood water filter jokes and pronunciation difficulties. We found out that there was a third Brita at the college and formed a small club that met for dinner about once a month. We even became just a bit famous on campus: everyone had heard of the two Brit(t)as living in the same room! We got along well last year and she is my next-door neighbor this year. Her name is pronounced Brih-ta with a hard t, while mine is Brih-ta with a t that sounds a little bit like a d (in morphology, that's called a "flap"!). We found your website last year, but I am just getting around to writing. Thanks for uniting the Brit(t)as of the world
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 02:23:35 -0600
Subject: thanks for the web page!
Hey ~ just wanted to let you know that I too am Britta pronounced
Breeta! I'm so glad I happened to stumble across your webpage! I love
my name, but being from Kansas it always comes out with a hick accent as
Buurituh which leads to lots of Burrito nicknames. Anyway, I'm living
in Chicago now studying theatre and music but I enjoy graphic design in
my free time. I loved looking at your work! Thanks for the website.
Now I know there are more Brittas out there and allot of us with very
similar stories and/or interests. Amazing! I am quite thankful my
parents decided to name me after the farthest back relative they could
find. They went back 7 generations and found Britta and Erik, my great
times 5 grand parents from Sweden! Thanks Again ~ Love Britta
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 19:59:04 -0700
I love finding a site with my name! I actually have met another Britta in person, just a little older than me. I'm eight years old and when I was a baby my aunts and uncles called me "itta bitta Britta Schmitta" (Schmitt is my last name). A classmate calls me "Britta witta fee fie fo fitta." A friend calls me "Britty Witty." My family sometimes calls me "Britta-boe."
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 23:44:55 EDT
Subject: My name is Britta too!
Hello !
My name is Britta also.
my birthday is 8/30/87 i just turned 13. I would love to hear from you my
email is xxxxxxx. However I am writing on my cousins sn so it may come up different! Well I will be very disapointed if I dont hear from you soon!
p.s. i know what you mean about the whole water filter thing!
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 11:22:09 PDT
Subject: Nicknames...
I call my friend Britta, The water filter chick!!!! hehehe....
and H20 cuz of the filter too...hehehe....
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 13:44:22 EDT
Subject: hi
hi my name is Britta i was just playin around on my computer and i typed
your website in and i think it is so neat what you have on there i really
like it!! Britta
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 13:30:50 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Britta!
Hello Britta!
This is so weird..I feel like I'm writing an e-mail to
myself, or something. Also, within the past week or
two, I've discovered two other Brittas who live in my
city! One of them goes to my school, and another
plays in the same orchestra that my dad does..that's
weird, because she plays violin and so do I! Two
violin playing Brittas in the same city..something I
never thought I'd discover.
I'm 15 yrs old, and I've never really liked telling
people my name because I always thought they'd make
fun of me or something, since Britta is such a unique
name..that and the cursed "Brita Water Filter".....I
think you probably share my wish that that thing had
never been called "Brita"....but oh well.
Here's some names I've been called..
Britta Lou
Brita water filter
Britta Baby
Beautiful Britta
Britta Boo
Gritta (ERGH!!)
I'm so glad to know there are so many more Brittas in
the world! I agree with that one Britta who suggested
that was unite and take over the world..MWAHAHAHAHA!!!
I'm running out of time, so I must draw this to a
Thanks for opening my eyes to the fact that there are
so many more Brittas out there than I thought!
Love to you all,
Britta J.
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 22:27:55 -0500
Subject: HI again
Hi Britta--
I first wrote on 2/20/99. It's interesting to see how many more Brittas
have visited your website since then. Thought I would add to the nickname
thing. It's really just how people mess up saying my name pronounced,
I constantly get : Bridda, Bertha, Brenda, Brittany, Bridget, Bretta,
Bratta, and have even had a few call me Rachel. Go figure. And, of
course, the water-filter thing is commonly mentioned. By the way, my middle
name is Michelle. Someone in one of your emails was curious about other
middle names used with Britta.
Your site looks great. It's interesting to revisit every now and then.
Britta S.
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 23:43:47 EDT
Subject: another "bree-ta"
It seems very odd to address another person as britta. that's ME! yes,
everyone calls me brih-ta, too, but i tend not to notice it anymore. it's
like a nickname, now.
Speaking of nicknames, did you ever get called "burrito?" My lord, it seems
as though everyone i meet thinks themself to be very clever by "coming up"
with this little nickname. It never bothered me, though, it's just stupid.
My parents are norwegian, and i was named after a great-grandmother. I live
in Oregon... that's my story.
i like this site!,
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2000 07:48:24 -0800
Subject: Hey Britta!
Well, this is yet another Britta. I am so excited that there is a
web site out there with my(our) name on it. I am 16 years old and live
in Ellensburg, Washington. Unlike the other Britta's who have e-mailed
you, there was another Britta at my school. However, she graduated right
before my freshmen year of high school.
My parents got the name Britta from my great grandma who had
metioned the name to my mother. I was named after my great, great, great
grandma, who's name was Britta Christine Sundin. She lived in Sweden.
So, my name is Britta Christine as well(I won't say my last name for
confidentiality purposes). Everyone loved the name, and so that's what
my name is. I really like my name, probably because it isn't so common.
I mean, there are like 15 different Jessica's in my school, and I don't
even go to a huge school. My only pet peve is that whenever I have a
substitute teacher at school, and they are taking attendence, they
always think my name was cut off and call me Brittany. That's about the
only problem I've ever had with my name. I think it's fun to have an
uncommon name, and just makes life more exciting.
Well, better go, but all you Britta's out there stay cool!!
Love, Britta
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 23:14:04 +0100
Subject: Hello....
Hello, famous Name-Sister!
Yesterday I felt sort of bored and surfed through the web. I wondered if the domain "britta.de" or "britta.com" was still free (how stupid to think this).
Then I found your great website. Really, I didn't see such a brilliant and professional made page very often. Congratulations! I never knew that Americans know the Name "Britta". That's cool!
In Germany we pronounce "Britta" with a very short-spoken "i". My Grandma is from Sweden, too, so my parents chose that name for her firstborn child - ME! My sister's names are "Ulrike" and "Eva". My brother is named "Martin". "Ulrike" is a swedish name, too >(spoken "Ulreeke").
Well....I hope I don't get on your nerves with my writing. I just wanted to give a compliment to you beautiful girl and your lovely website.
I think I'll visit your site again to read all the textes and see the fotos.
Good night....my little son calls me to come
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 16:24:44 +0200
Subject: just another Britta
Hi all there,
Suprise, Suprise my name is also Britta (say; britha), and just like everybody i always thougt that there were not so many BRITTAS around the world. My full name is Britta van den Ende and i'am 19 years old and I live in Holland. Just fur fun my boyfriend (his name is Ingvar; also a Scandinvian name) and i were looking if there were any pages on internet connect to our names. And that's how i came here.
I really enjoyd it to read all story's of the other Brittas.
Just like everybody i was and still are teased with my name, like the other dutch britta from 7 April 2000, people always called me Brinta (from that Cerealbrand). As a child i always hated my name because i could not speak the 'r' right, i always called myself 'Bwitta'.
Through all my life i never met a person who has the name Britta. Although there was a girl who was named Anne-Brit and a girl who listend to the name Britte. Though i met some dogs (4) who also were called Britta. And it's not very nice when you've a dogs name. And did you know that in Portugal they call us Brita (Breeta) which is short for cabrita and that means gote.
The big question wich always rised in my mind was how my parents came up with my name?
The answer is form a book my mother read, she liked the name so much that she gave me that name by birth.
But there are 2 other books with our name. The first is 'Nurse Britta' and the other one is Children of Bolderburen.
It is a Scandinavian book which was translated in Dutch.
So i hope you all enjoyd my e-mail.
With Love
Another Britta
P.S. to Britta Peterson. Your mothers name is Diane and so is mine mothers name. Ain't that funny
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 12:30:10 EDT
Subject: how cool!!!
hey! i am a 17 year old from Beacon Falls, Connecticut! and yes my name is
also Britta...but mine is pernounced like the water filter! i get called
water filter by everyone i meet, one of my teachers from school calls me
filter. i have gotten, Bertha, Britter, Fritter, Peanut Britta, Britanica,
Gritta, Brit-Brit and many more! i hate telling people my name because they
always think i say Gritta. People always ask me if it is short for
anything..but it isn't. my boyfriend found this website! i thought it was so
funny to see all these people w/ my name!! i also know another girl w/ the
name Britta..she is in her early 20's and lives in up-state New York, that is
where my parents thought of the name...she is a neighbor of a family member!!
Well, i must go, i will be showing your web site to a lot of friends, i hope
you don't mind :)
~Britta Nicole
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 15:12:46 -0400
Subject: Another one!
Hi Britta,
I was happy to find your website. One thing that I find most astounding is
that a group of women having such an unusual name there are a number of us
with brothers named "Erik" (or like my brother, "Eric".)
BTW, I'm another "brih-ta" and found that when I visited Germany, their
pronounciation sounded more like "brih-ta" than "bree-ta". I guess that my
dad (who is also an "Eric") decided that my name would be "brih-ta" because
of his German background.
I was also surprised that there are a number of Britta's in Texas. I am
originally from Texas and have just recently moved to the East Coast.
Funny, I never met another Britta in Texas, but I met one here just this
Best Regards,
-Britta Dawn
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 10:25:44 EDT
Subject: Hi
Hi Britta. My name is Britta and I'm from Germany. I'm 16 years old. And I
just want to tell ya that you have forgotten me!
Cya Britta
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 21:01:02 +0200
Subject: nicknames
hey britta!
I«m a 24 year old britta born in germany. I thought your website is very
fascinating. But there is a big difference between us - here in germany
britta is an often used name, so I know a lot of brittas.
Here my nicknames:
Britti (with a spanish spoken rrrrr)
Britze (my ex-boy friend was called Ditze)
Bratze (it«s not nice - means something like slut!)
Bratze Matratze ( Matratze meens matress)
Brittalein (very kinky; as it means cute little Britta -
parent`s favorite)
So, I hope you like it. I will have another look in your website soon.
Best wishes to all Brittas!!!!
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000 21:09:51 +0200
Subject: Hi to all Britta`s in the world
Hi everybody
I am from germany (Munich, oktoberfest :)) and I stumbeld also over this webpage. I found it very amusing that there are so many people with the same name as I have ( sorry my english is a little bit rusty). In germany Britta aktualy comes from Brigitta. My mother thought that this is to long so she gave me the name Britta. I had the same problems with the name. When I was at school people called me Pritt- Stift ( thid is a glue) or they compared me also with the water filter.
I thing it is a good idea if we all mett once. I think that would be a lot of fun. Tell me are there more german Britta`s you know of??.
I would be happy if you would write me back!
Yours Britta
Ps: The letters is translated by my boyfriend...
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 13:41:25 -0500
what's up my name is britta b. I live in Westlake Louisiana and i am an
8th grader at s.p. arnett midlle school i live with my 2 parents my
sister and my 2 nieces i am on a school computer right now but i have an
email address you can e mail me at it is bite_me_69_69@excite.com i just
wanted to write you so i could maybe talk to another britta because i
have never seen or spoke to another britta ever before so i quess i
better go (hopefully) talk to you later britta briscoe
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 12:17:05 +0200
Subject: nicknames
hi Britta,
i'm Britta from germany. My friends also call me "brittain" or "pretty
Thank you for your website!
greetings from Berlin,
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 20:56:21 EDT
Subject: Names
Hey! oh my gosh! I was so excited to find this website. I was board so I
went online. I put my name in after the www. just to see if there was some
kind of web site and poof. I was there I thrilled to be there.
In some ways I love my name because there is almost no one I've met with
the same name! But in other ways I hate it when people ask me if my name is
short for brittney.
Anyways! It was great to find so many other Brittas!
Lov ya' all!
Britta Elyse
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 00:22:07 -0700
Subject: THIS IS TOO COOL!!!
Hey britta!!!
As you've probably guessed, my name is also britta, but i pronounce it
Brih-ta, and i'm just writing to say that for once, i've found out that
someone else (let alone hundreds, of people!!) have the same name as
me!! And i just think it is sooo COOL to discover this!! Like you,
i'm the only "Britta" that i know of in my city, and it really bugs me
that i'm the only one. Whenever someone sees or hears of my name they
ALWAYS refer to it as "just like the water filter" and that makes me so
mad (don't you wish they would just destroy that Damn thing!!!)!!! But
anyways, i'm 14 years old, a brunette with brown eyes to match, 5'5 and
a VERY patriotic canadian from Ontario. I love sports, especially
basketball and soccer and love to listen to rap and pop. Other than
that, if you're wondering where i got my name , my mom being the soap
finatic she is, got the name off of Days of our Lives, and swears back
then the filter was pronouced Bree-tah! I am part danish, but its from
my dads side and is quite distant so...
Anyway i'm sure that you don't need to know anything else from me so
with that,
P.S. the name Britta KICKS SOME SERIOUS
Britta Ras.(i'm too chicken to put my full last name!!)
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 15:11:49 EDT
Subject: nicknames
Hi Britta:)
I used to get called Bertha and Berta quite a bit, but I have to say that the
water filter has helped people to get my name right. Now they can at least
say it (I am a Brih-ta, even though my mother is Swedish).
My mom's nickname for me was Britsy, or Britsy-Go-Go-Googily (I guess I
made that one up as a child).
In high-school, very unfortunately, it was Clitta! Nice friends I had!
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 02:38:47 +0200
Subject: nick names
hi my name is Britta. I am from Holland-Europe.
People always called me brinta, that's a brand name
Some people even cold me Britanie
bey a britta
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 06:13:28 -0700
Subject: Brittas
How's about ye Britta!
I too am a Britta and am delighted to see that there are Britta's all around
the world. I pronounce my name Brit-ta though.
Like your webpage too!
Greetings from Ireland!
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 14:28:49 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: this is crazy!
Hello Britta, Britta and Britta!
This is absolutely crazy. I never have met anther
Britta before, but have had people tell me that they
have relatives with my name.
I'm starting to feel like just another number. Is
this what Jessica's and Michelle's feel like all the
I have to say that the whole Brita Water filter thing
is kind of annoying. I'm 22 and I've heard it since I
was 14. I always tell people that after I introduce
myself b/c it is the way I like my name to be
pronounced and it helps them to remember me.
I must tell you how I found this site. I have a
personal website that I had to do for a horrible class
in college and some guy from Peru found it and emailed
me. He told me about this website dedicated to our
name. Isn't that completely random?
Anyway, it is awesome to know that there are other
Britta's out there. We should find a meeting place
and take over the world!
britta marie
Lawrence, KS
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 13:40:21 -0400
Subject: hey
Wow I can't believe there are soo many Brittas out there! I don't know anyone else named Britta besides me. I live in Rochester, New York, and am going into 8th grade. I am a level 7-8 gymnast, and this past year competed on the varsity gymnastics team. I also play soccer, and lacrosse. I have blonde hair, and blue eyes.....it seems that a lot of the Britta's on your webpage have described themselves in the same way. I love having my name, cuz no one else in my school or anyone else has anything like it, and you can't really mistake me for someone else. I think it is so pretty and wouldn't give it up. I am Swedish, so you can see how I got it. This site is really awesome....I can't believe how many Brittas there are! Even though I love my name, I can't stand the way that when you tell someone your name, they are like, "Oh yeah, you're like that water filtration thing!" It gets really annoying. I also get called things like, Brit-Brat, Bee-ya, Bri-Bra, Britt, Britta-Baga, and Britty. Anyways, I think that this site is awesome! And keep it up! By the way, I'm lovin' the car! It's sweet! If any other Brittas want to contact me, my e-mail is gymnast@rochester.rr.com
Love Always,
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 16:58:13 -0700
my sister, Astrid, calls me Brata as in im a brat. thanks Britta
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 17:40:08 -0400
Subject: You're Britta Too!
Hi Britta,
Wow, it feels so weird to write an e-mail to someone with the smae name
is me. I'm Swedish, and my mother got the name Britta from a Swedish
book called Britta and Erik. I speak Swedish and even went there last
summer, but I didn't find anyone there called Britta either. I've had a
terrible time with people mispronouncing my name and sometimes my
techers at school just don't get it! They usually call me Brita as in
the water filter. I had no idea there were so many Britta's in the
world. Anyway, some of the nicknames my firneds have given me are:
Breeto the Frito Bandito
and what my baby-sitting charges call me: Bweetta!
This is a great website! Britta
P.S. I had the same problem with Burrito too!
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 01:29:36 -0600
Subject: hello
I am also a Britta!
i am 11 and a swimmer.
I would really like people to e-mail me here is my address.
I can't belive there are so many Brittas
my name is from the Younge and the Restless.
Please e-mail me back Anybody.
e-mail me @
Bye for now
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 23:11:23 -0500
Subject: stellar!
hey, this is yet another britta! i am wondering, where did you get the domain name "britta.com"? is there any way i could get it too? i would love to hear from you!
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 12:09:06 -0500
Subject: good work
My friend Britta and I (Melanie) were looking at your website. We think you
have alot of talent. How did you start your website. Please e-mail me and
Thanks for reading this.
Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2000 20:49:08 PDT
Subject: cool!!!
I think that is soooo cool that there are other Brittas out there. I thought
I was the only the only one. One question. How do you pronounce your name? I
pronounce mine like Breeta. My name is spelled Britta, though. Anyways I
think that is really cool. Breeta Blvd is where I always drive through once
in awile.
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 16:15:32 -0500
Hi Britta,
I am just e-mailing to say that I think it's really neat that we have the same name.
from Britta
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 03:51:49 -0500
Subject: other nic names
Some nic names I grew up with...Britta....Brittabutt....one of the butt sisters(a song in the 60's), Britbaba, Bit-Bit (my sister couldn't pronounce Britta), Breeta, Briita, Bertha, Brenda, Brick, Bratta.
Britta Tinney
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 22:15:34 -0500
Subject: lucini falling from the sky
hello fellow britta,
my dad is Swedish and he spent some time over there and that's where i got my name which is also pronounced breeta. its annoying when people mispronounce my name but then again its pretty unique. so i just wanted to say, phat name and i like yer hair.
one more thing... why did you steal my domain name????!!!
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 20:54:55 -0400
Dear Britta,
I have had been called many things in my short life, my least
favorite one was Bitcha {don't ask me why}. There was one I have no idea
how the person came up with it. Butter & Bread? Do you get that one?
To tell you the truth, most of my nicknames came from mainly one person
{I can give her name out on the Internet}
Britta L.
Subject: Hello from another Britta
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 13:25:03 -0400
I have to admit when I saw that the domanin britta.com was taken
already, I was a little upset. But after browsing your site, it's great,
and I can only say I wish I had thought of it first! Although like many of
the other Brittas, I like to think I am the ONLY one. But I think that is
one of the great things about having an unusual name. You learn to stand up
for yourself, become independent, and don't worry a whole lot about what
other people think about you.
Like you and the other Britta's, I grew up as the only Britta
around--even when I moved from Delaware to Minnesota where there are tons of
Swedes and Norwegians. I explained the proununciation the same way, too.
The only thing is, I have a difficult last name, also. Koch, which is
pronounced like Coke. Growing up, I said one of my criteria for a mate was
a man with an easy last name! Well, then I got older (25+) and set in my
ways, and I decided I wasn't going to change my last name if I got married.
When I was 33, I did marry, and I did keep my name. I'd endured years and
years of being "burrito and a coke," "7 UP the uncola," and "Britta Pepsi";
and now my whole name was very much a part of me and very important to me as
it is. Besides, Britta Whitcomb, just didn't sound right!
I got the name because my mom wanted to name her children something that
couldn't be nicknamed, like Elizabeth, Katherine, Tamara, etc... When she
was a junior in high school, a Britta from Sweden was an exchange student at
her school. They got to be very good friends, and she kept in touch with
Britta after she returned home. Unfortunately, she got very depressed
because she had to repeat the school year she had spent in the US because
her country wouldn't credit it for some reason, and then she broke up with
her boyfriend. Sadly, she committed suicide. However, my mom kept in touch
with her family for awhile--long enough for them to know that she had named
me after their daughter. It is also very ironic that I fit the name: my
parents who both have dark skin and dark eyes produced me with lily white
skin and blue eyes and blonde hair. (I've been assured no milkman was
About 10 years ago, one of my friends named her daughter after me, but
she chose not to fight the pronunciation battle and she is a brit-ta.
Well, that's life as a Britta in a nutshell from me. I hope you keep
the website going, and here are some nicknames, etc.. to add to your lists.
Sayings/comebacks I've made up for my name...
"With a first name like that, who needs a last name?"
"Like the water filter, but with two ts."
Britta Baby
Burrito and a coke
Britta Pepsi
Baretta ( I was glad when that show went off the air!)
Bweeda (by my friend's 3 year old son)
Rita (lovely meter maid)
Bernita ( A girl in high school had this name, and I hated it when people
called me by her name. She wasn't very nice or attractive.)
Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 01:51:24 GMT
Subject: -same name-
I'm Britta Hanson I'm 16 years old and i live in Auckland, New Zealand I
was just surfing around and I found your site
Kindof weird but cool to finally find someone with the same name.
when i got to high school my new friends thought it would be funny if they
called Brrrrit aaahhhhh
I also get called Brittass
anyway it would be great if you could Email back
from Britta Hanson
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 15:01:46 -0400
Hello Britta -
It's funny, I was actually bored at work & playing around on the internet
and came up with the "Britta" site. Yes, I am disappointed to know that
there are so many "Brittas" out there. The only Britta that I've ever known
was my best friend was when I was in elementary school. Since then, not one.
The closest being my co-worker, Brittany. Maybe we should have all of the
Brittas meet up somewhere for a big party - maybe the Bahamas? Just a
Britta Hartman
Resource Specialist
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 08:35:23 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: nicknames
Hi Britta, If there's anything more bizarre than
reading about others who share the name Britta, it can
only be to learn than someone else endured the
nickname Britsy-bratsy as a child. Others were
Ritta-b, Brits, peanut Britta. My name was always
pronounced Brih-ta, except by one friend who calls me
Brrrreeeet-ahhh. She takes great pride in the fact
that she unknowingly was the only person, my whole
life so far, to pronounce my name correctly. We've
now decided to use the correct pronunciation to
identify a slightly zany alter-ego who tends to emerge
when I have a few beers in me.
New Jersey
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 16:05:52 -0700
Subject: hello
my name is britta (like all the rest of you)i am 12 years old and, i was so
surprised when i saw this web-site.it was so neat to know there where other
brittas in the world i thought i could have been one of only a few!!!!!!but
i guess not!!!!!!lol!!!i think it would be cool if some how we meet but.....
u know!!!!!! well g2g britta
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 16:02:48 -0500
Subject: hello
Dear Britta(oh that was weird),
hi. yes, my name is Britta, too. I am 13 and live in Dakota Dunes, SD. i would like any britta's to write me at brat21@cableone.net anytime. i hate it when people talk about the water filter thing. like "hey Britta, how's your water?" that was funny the first time i heard it, but it got really annoying after that. No offence guys, but when i found out how many Britta's there were i was kinda mad. i like my name, cuz' i thought it was original, and now it's just another name. I kewl with it now though. i got over it. life does go on(hehe):) Well i would especially like the Britta's who like to sing pop music to write me. my dream is to become famous as a pop singer. i'm kinda affraid people will call me a wannabe britney, halfway cuz of my name, you know. well if anyone has any thing to say to me. i gave you the address.
Love Always and Forever,
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 16:04:03 -0700 (PDT)
dear britta, recently I got curious and decided to see
if there was a website of my namesake. yes, I'm a
britta too. It's crazy to see how different we are
from each other. I think you should start a Britta
club on your website. well, talk to you later. britta
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 22:51:06 EDT
Subject: a funny britta story
Hi Brittas! :-)
I'm Britta and I posted way back in Aug. 98, so I thought it was time to
write again! I'm getting quite the kick out of this -- I was about to reply
to something that "Britta said," forgetting that that won't make any sense --
'cause everyone's a Britta! LOL! This is strange to get used to! Maybe we
need to start going by our first and middle names so we can distinguish
ourselves from each other? :-) It would be interesting to find out all the
different middle names for Britta, anyway. I'm Britta Gabrielle... Your turn!
Anyway, what I was going to say is, I agree with the Britta who wrote on Mar.
21 -- I always feel a strange connection to other Brittas too. Is that
weird? Do all Emilys or Sarahs or Melissas feel a connection -- or does that
only happen with highly unusual names like ours?
And Britta from Mar. 21, I can also identify with that "a little pissed off"
feeling of discovering another Britta... Which brings me to the story portion
of this email. At the end of history class one day, the professor was
handing back our quizzes. "Britta?" he called, so I reached out to take my
quiz...but before I could, this girl in back of me reached around and
snatched it!! I stood there with my mouth open, LOL! The *next* time we got
quizzes back, she ended up taking MY quiz, and I got hers, and we had to
switch during the next class! Now when he's handing papers back and calls,
"Britta?" we have to ask, "which one?" I never thought I'd have that
problem! Oh, and the other Britta and I haven't really talked. She doesn't
seem to find it quite as intriguing as I do that we're most likely the only
Brittas out of a campus of 5,000 students, and by some huge coincidence, we
ended up sitting 3 feet away during history class... Go figure!
PS -- forgot to mention! I have a Cabbage Patch Kid named Britta Karena -- I
was so excited to get her!
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 18:27:56 -0700
Subject: yet another Britta....
I can't believe there is a web page dedicated to Britta's, it does
seem a little odd. I think you should set up a support group for all of us
out here sick of the Brita water filtration system. I've gotten to the
point that when I tell someone my name I add, "like the water filter." I
need to spit it out before they do. Besides that's how I like my named
pronounced, any other way drives me nuts!!
I guess I'm not that surprised at how many Britta's are out there,
but maybe that's because I'm from Minnesota and Swedish myself. I've met at
least half a dozen Britta's myself and have heard of many more. Where I'm
living now there happens to be a local band who lead singer is Britta.
People tend to confuse the two of us until I mention that the other Britta
is covered in tattoos and has red hair! I love just the thought that
there's a rock-star Britta out there.
I love having such a unique name and wouldn't give it up for the
world. I get a lot of comments on my name including one couple who loved my
name so much that they named their dog after me. Now that I didn't care for
too much, but oh well what can I do about it.
Rock on Brittas of the world!!
Date: 07 Apr 2000 16:36:21 +0200
Subject: Hi there
Yep, yet another Britta. I'm dutch 30 years old, and like you I've never been in the same room with another Britta. Throughout my life I've been teased with Brinta which is a Dutch cerealbrand. BORING !!!! (unbelievable that people still think they're funny after being number 300.00000.0000 making the same joke !!!).
I didn't have the time to read the whole page. But I surely will in the future. It's funny !!!
So mabe I'll mail you again after having read the whole page !!
HŽ Britta keep on going strong !!
Love Britta
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 19:35:56 -0300
hello all you brittas!
i am also a britta and i have never known that there were many other
britta's! my name is like my! i like it than i hate it! it is so unique!
its great being alble to say, the only one! i really want others to email
me my address is:
i am 12 years old and in 7th grade at newtown middle school! i have
blondish brownish hair and my eyes change colors with light! i am a level
6-7 gymnast and hope to get a scholorship to UCLA in diving! i want to be
a marine biologist and trainer at sea world or a pediatric heart
speacialist! the brittas of the world should create kind of an internet
club called Britta's United! it would be really neat! plus you dont even
have to remember peoples names! LOL!
well g2g
luv yas all
Britta C
newtown CT!
email me!
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 11:01:05 MST
Subject: hello there!
Dear Britta (s)
Wow! I just stumbled upon your website by accident, and lo & behold I find
hundreds of Brittas!!! How wonderful. Well, my name is Britta Van Meter
and I live in Arizona. I am 26 years old. My mom named me and said she
couldn't remember where she heard my name the first time... but she never
forgot it, and named me Britta. I love our names. Isn't it great that
people don't need to know your last name, but they remember you by your
first name? I am in college right now at the University of Arizona and I'm
almost done with my degree in Accounting. Everyone in the program knows me
because of my "unique" name (or so I thought)...
I propose that we have a Britta-Convention somewhere and all of us can get
together and meet. What do you think? Well, keep in touch and thanks for
putting out such a great site. By the way, when I was a kid I was
"Brit-brat" "Britta Boo" and "Peanut Britta" .... I too also hate being
compared to the water filter... I think all of us Brittas should get
royalties from that company!!!!! :)
Take care,
Britta Marie Van Meter (dutch family)
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 23:41:05 -0500
Subject: Hi
Hi, I know you wrote in your website that you have heard from a lot of girls
named Britta, but I thought I'd just let you know about me, another one. I
am always suprised (and somehow a little bit pissed off) when I hear of
someone else named Britta. I always consider it to be my unique name.
Anyway, your website seems really cool, and I'm glad think that you are
worthy of the name. I always feel like I have this strange connection to
people whose names are britta, it sounds lame, but I do! Anyway, sorry if
this email has bored you, but it's just that connection thing. I had to let
you know there was another Britta out there.
- Britta
PS- doesn't it bug you so bad when you introduce yourself, and all anyone
can ever say is "like the water filter?"
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 17:59:24 -0700
Subject: Britta?????
Well my name is Britta too I never knew ther were soo many BRITTAS in
the world My mom got my name from "Days Of Our Lives" I don't mind it
because it is unique I live in Pincher Creek Alberta. I like to play the
piano and I am very good I Snowboard and I swim in the swim Club I am 11
years old and have never met anybody named Britta in my life face to
face that is and I don't think I ever will I get teased all the time by
my friends and family for that matter!I too have a black Cat his name is
Symba.I have blonde hair and Hazel eyes
Bye All Brittas (I never thought I would be Saying that)
Alberta , Canada
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 20:55:38 +0000
Subject: Britta
Hi Britta,
My name is Britta too. That is not abbreviated for anything. You
pronounce my name Brih-ta. My whole name is Britta Troelsen, I don't
have a middle name. I am 14 years old. When I was born, my dad knew a
Britta named Britta Bang and he really like the name and so did my mom so
that's why I got the name. Right now I do know a girl that's name is
Britta and she is the same age as me. It's really funny because her
mom's name is the same as my mom's and her dad's name starts with the
same letter as my dad's name, her last name starts with the same letter
as my last name. My mom and dad's name are Karen and Mogens(moe for
short). I live in Clearwater Florida which is next to Tampa.
I have blond hair and blue eyes. I like to play the piano, which I do
very good and I love soccer!!!!!
People usually call me Brita water filter and it really gets annoying as
you probably know
or the call me Birta and Birdie. When I go places and I tell people my
name, they always get it wrong, like they say Brenda, Bridget, Roberta,
I mean can't people here what I'm saying?????????
Here is what a key chain said that my dad brought home from Denmark. It
is in Danish so I got him to translate it but I'll include the Danish
text for you.
Svensk sammentraekning af Brigitta.
Hun er livlig, levende og elsker livet. Har en impulsiv natur og er ofte
uforudsigelig. Saa frisk som de foerste foraarsblomster.
Short for Swedish Brigitta.
She is lively, alive and loves life. Has an impulsive nature and is often
unpredictable. As fresh as the first spring flowers.
Here is a postcard I got from my Danish Grandma, it says:
Britt/ Britta
Swedish/Norwegian for Birgitta which originally was a Celtic name. It
means "exuberant". Britt/Britta exuberates natural elegance wherever she
goes. You can't help but notice Britt/Britta.
I can't find the card now but one time I had a card that said Britta
meant "pure" - I presume this is where the idea for the Brita water
filter may have come from.
Well, please write me back so I know you got this.
Love Britta Troelsen
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 16:50:02 +0100
Hey Britta,
this is another "Britta" mailing you from Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany - actually I was just checking for the domain and I am so jelous you have got it... Anayways, you seem to be doing a good job with this site so keep going...
Actually my mom named me "Britta" because she liked the name appearing in a swedish children's book, that she read to my older sis - "Die Kinder von BullerbŸ" from Astred Lindgren...
When I visited the States I hated it how terribly people can change our name into something strange ... after a while I gave up on trying to make them say it rightly but let them pronounce it Bridda - ever since all my friends (even the German ones) call me that...
Have fun on working on your site and if you ever give it up I would gladly take over the Domain...
Love, Britta (as Bavarians say: BRIDL)
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 21:25:35 EST
Subject: YO
HHHHHHHIIIIIIIII you do not no me but i have the same name as you Britta
Pederson but i am Norwegian so Pederson is spelled with a (D) I was looking
my name up in yahoo and saw your web page kind weird but you no
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 22:42:50 -0600
Subject: great name.
dear britta.
my son just e-mailed me he saw your site so i checked some of it out, i
have to get back at it tomorrow, i am also a Britta, i only knew one
more girl in copenhagen that's where i come from my grandma {farmor}
on my fathers side was from sweden so that's how i got my name i surely
didn't think we have so many Brittas. i have a granddaughter by the name
Brittany, i live in ont,canada and people always have a hard time with
my name. well i got to run i am printing out 23 pages of Britta of the
world unite. it's great, my e-mail is xxxxxxxxxxx thanks
britta, i will get to check more tomorrow 5.45am comes early.
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 1997 00:56:53 +0100
Subject: hi my name is.....
Hello Britta
you now it's real strange to write a mail to someone who called Britta too.
But is't cool anyway.
I'm Britta from Holland 17yrs old.
I like to write you this e-mail to show that I'm Britta too.
ok this is a mail without interrest information but thanx anyway!
Bye bye
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 13:41:53 -0800 (PST)
Subject: never thought I'd see the day
I was truly amazed to see so many other Britta's on
your site. I still can't get over it.
So here's my two cents. I was named after the
character Britta in James Michener's novel "The
Drifters", which is about hippies travelling around
Europe and Africa in the late 60s. Unlike the other
Britta who's name came from that book, and who's email
I read on your site, I thought she was a great
character--very strong and independent, but extremely
compassionate. Other Britta's should read the book:
you'll get a kick out of seeing your in print over and
over and its an interesting read. Not heavy at all.
I too, have never met another Britta face to face, but
when I was in college and head of the campus
environmental group, I found out that at another
college in New Jersey, the head of the campus
environmental group was another Britta. It was a
bizarre coincidence, but we never met.
I think I would be a slightly different person if I
hadn't been given this unique and beautiful name, and
been named after such a cool character. How great to
know that I share it with so many others.
Rock on, all Brittas!!!
New Jersey
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 19:57:06 EST
Subject: Name Analysis, and Message Board Idea
Dear Britta (and all the other Brittas who will see this!)
I am a 24 year old Britta living in Southern California and also very happy with my name. My father is as German as they come, having moved to the States only a few years before I was born....hence the reason for my name!
Anyways, on a site called www.kabalarians.com I found this great analysis of our name. I found it to be eerily accurate on some points, and rather off on others. But fun to check out, nevertheless!
Also, while it is great to read these emails, I was thinking that it would be even better if all of us "Brittas" could meet and converse on a message board. It seems that our similar name really bonds us together! Just an idea...let me know if you spark to it, as your site would be an obvious place for it.
So here is our name analysis, and good to cyber-meet you!
Your first name of Britta has given you a studious nature, and the ability to concentrate on whatever you are doing. You could excel in mathematics or in positions where persistence, independence, and individuality are required. In personal associations, a lack of finesse in verbal expression often creates misunderstandings with others, especially with those close to you, because you find it difficult and embarrassing to express depth of feeling when situations arise requiring diplomacy, understanding, and affection. Others may often find you reserved and aloof, when actually you desire love and understanding. This name creates a withdrawn, reserved nature. You feel very alone at times and find it difficult to merge with others in a happy, relaxed manner. You could suffer with head tension, or any weakness relative to the heart, lungs, or bronchial organs.
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 19:31:29 -0500
Subject: Me three!
Hello to all the Britta's! Were you called 'Rita-Bug', 'Peanut Britta', or 'Britta Bee'? Of course, we all know the list goes on and on! I have to admit, I'm a little thankful for the rise of the filtration system... it's alot easier to have my name said right! Besides, I had a fellow I was chatting with tell me that he had a Brita filter next to his desk at work and it made him think of me all the time! (Shhh.... don't tell my husband!) Tee hee...
Fantastic site! I'm inspired...
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 19:59:54 EST
Subject: Another Britta
Wow I had no idea there were so many Brittas in the US. Yes, you are
correct. It is pronounced Bree-ta. My youngest daughter is a Britta. Our
family is Swedish and I do get a lot of questions about the nationality of
her name, and no one pronounces it correctly. But I also have a son named
Lars, so believe me I get a lot of questions. Great website, by the way.
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 20:07:54 -0500
Subject: I've never met another Britta!
Dear Britta,
It is so amazing to find out how many Brittas there actually are,
and I've never even met one! The way I got my name is a sort of weird
story. My mom used to work at a travel agency and a Swedish tour escort
called up and said that her name was "Britta." From that day forward my
mom wanted to name her daughter Britta (and this was five years before I
was born). People pronounce it all different ways {it should be
pronounced Brih-tah}. I have a question about the name, what is the
meaning of the name Britta? Please write me back!!
Britta J. Lampeter
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 08:59:05 -0700
Subject: Je m'appelle Britta aussi!!
chere Britta,
Bonjour! Je suis heureuse de connaitre il y a beaucoup de jeunes
femmes qui s'appelles Britta, j'ai pense que j'etais seule!
Well, actually I'm from utah and my french skills desperately need
some brushing up. I, too, have always been the only Britta in my class,
until I recently moved into a new house and there is a girl at chruch
named Britta. In fact, we both have the same middle name, Ann. Kind of
weird, but fun.
I have to admit that my name has always been pronounced "Brih-ta".
People in Utah just can't handle the Scandinavian pronounciation.
Thankyou for uniting us Britta's of the World!!
Britta Larsen
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 21:46:53 -0600
Subject: My daughter's name is Britta
My middle daughter is named Britta. She is 3 1/2 yrs old. My Britta looks so Norwegian/Swedish! I guess I just knew that before she was born. I love my daughter's name. So far we have ran into a 40+ yr old named Britta and a teenager named Britta working at Zany Brainy. We went to the Swedish Timber House Gift Shop in Northern Minnesota. The proprietors are from Sweden. The wife was tickled to hear Britta's name and said that her best friend, from Sweden, was a Britta, too. She said Britta with two t's is pronounced Brih-ta and Brita is pronounced Bree-tah. Oh, well, does it really matter?
Everyone we meet loves the name Britta.
I am so glad she has a unique name and that my husband let me have my way in naming her!
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 22:17:27 EST
Subject: Britta
Hi, Britta!
My name is Britta, too, except I spell it differently like this: Brytta. When
I have to use my legal name, I spell it Britta.
I am the only person in my whole school named Britta. Well, take care and
I'll talk to you later.
Your new friend,
Britta AKA Brytta
PS. I'll put you in my address book.
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 19:07:21 EST
Subject: wow
that's my name also... Britta smith
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 19:15:54 -0500
Subject: hey hey a lots and lots of Britta's
Wow finally an other "Britta"!!!
I read the other email you receved...and it's really cool...I'm not the only one...
Sure I'm not the only one...but in my city...Granby...and sure enought in Quebec...I'm the only one...
Like I said...I live in Granby, Quebec, Canada and I was born hear in a french city...
My parents come from Germany so that's how I got this super name...
All my friend call me "Brit"...in french it makes "Breet"
Everywhere I go I have to repeat my name 2-3 time...Finally I said..."You know like the filtration system"...and then everybody goes "ohhhhhh yesss"
Everbody I met so far always said that I have a very original and pretty name...
So to all the Britta's in the world...Our name is the best !!!:o))
Love Britta xox
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 11:49:00 EST
Subject: hi
I think that, that is pretty cool. Im an only child to. youre the firat
person i ever heard of with the same name as me
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 14:21:34 -0500
Subject: Wow! Another Britta!!!
Dear Britta,
I read that you pronounced your name "Bree-ta". Well, I did not pronounce
it that way until my little brother Micah, which is only two years old,
started to call me "Bree-ta" instead of "Brih-ta". My parents and I think it
is really cool that he pronounces it that way.
I think it is really cool that their are more Britta's in this world than I
thought their were.
It was really funny how I found your wed site. I was in the liberty on the
internet and I just was typing up names and I came across this web site.
Well, I have to go, but write back sometime at xxxxxxxx.
Britta Hausmann
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 10:53:48 PST
Subject: I'm another Britta!
Dear Britta (I knew I would say it someday),
I'm another Britta to add to your list! My name is Britta Karin R. I
live in the beautiful province of British Columbia Canada. I'm 12 years old
and I'm in grade eight. I play the alto saxophone and the baritone saxophone
and I wnat to play the tuba. I have lots of "nicknames" given to me form my
friends. Some of these include "Breeeeeetta frum Sveden!" given to my by my
math teacher and frequently used by my friend Leah, assorted "Britta filter"
names: mostly form teachers, "Britzie" my mom calls my this and now so does
my friend moogon... I pronounce my name "Brih-ta".
I usually use that brita water filter thing to my advantage. The
teacher scans down the list: "Lawson." "Here!" "Charles." Here..."
::squint:: "Um...Brite...no that's not right..." I usually have to correct
them. Several teachers who think they are being funny, say "Britta....Are
you named after a water filter?"
I love your site. I'm glad i came accross it. Can you get me a
britta.com e-mail too? I tried to get one at brita.com but there were no
services. It is so cool that that famous fashion designer is named Britta
too. I love your car : ). Please post my e-mail (jubejube456@hotmail.com) on
this page, because I'd love for other Brittas to e-mail me!
B C-ing U!
From Britt
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 19:25:41 -0500
Subject: Hi
Hi Britta
My name is Britta. Its so cool to know that someone has the same name I
do, I've always been the only Britta around. I live in Orlando Florida but
I was born in Germany were my parents decided on my name from a Swedish
name book. I'm not at all Swedish but I'm part Finish. My name is
pronounced Brita here in the U.S. but when I go to Germany over the summer
they prounounce it Breeta. I think your website is awesome, my friend
found it while we were making fun of each others names. I love my/our name
I think its so pretty and original I don't care how much I get made fun of
for having the same name as a water filter. I wonder what the name means
I've always wanted to now where its come from.
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 19:16:39 EST
Subject: From one Britta to another (Never thought I'd say that)
Intersetingly enough, my best friend found your homepage and insisted that I
visit. I have only met one other Britta and she was Swedish. I pronounce my
name "Brih-ta." My parents got the name from "The Drifters" by James
Mitchner. It wasn't until this summer that I read the novel - after reading
it I was shocked that my parents would want to name me "Britta." The
character was a Swedish sex-fiend who smoked a lot of marijuana and loved to
defy authority. Ineresting, huh? I had a rough childhood with a "different"
name - kids (Usually named Amy or Matt) used to call me "Bratta Tye-my-shoe."
I learned later in life that they were just jealous because my name was
unique. I love my name now because it is easily recognizable. Not too many
Britta's running around West Texas. This is a great site and a great place
for all Britta's to lend their support to each other.
Take care, y'all,
Britta Tye
Lubbock, Texas
P.S. Does anyone remember when there was a "Britta" on "Days of our Lives?"
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 01:28:50 EST
Subject: Britta
hey Britta!!
whoa, that is so weird to see there are so many Britta's in the world!!
personally I thought there was only one other Britta besides me, and thats
who I got my name from!! My name is Brittany, but I got by Britta, pronounced
Brihta. That is so awesome to find this out!! I'm 14 and from Tualatin,
Oregon!! e-mail me back, i'd love to hear from you as well as all the other
britta's in the world!! For so long people have called me Water Filter, and I
thought I was the only one!!
Brittany Enbysk (Britta) PeachyBabsBunny3@aol.com feel free to put my
e-mail on your website, I do not mind.
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 19:35:59 -0800
Subject: Britta, down south
Hello My name is Britta Lillian Zuydhoek Durkovich,
Though my name sounds foreign, I am actually a Southern California kid. I
am 27 years old, not really I'm only seven. But, I am very smart for my
I live in San Diego. I am in the second grade. I like Art and Math. My
favorite subject in school is Eating. I like to play games on the computer
and I like to act.
Riding my bike with my friends is also something I like to do.
My mother is a beautiful wierdo, but I love her very, very much.
When I saw your internet page I was very surprised. I think it's terrific!
Maybe we can see each other sometime?
What grade are you in?
Do you have any boyfriends? I'm married to a boy named Stevie Masterson.
He is very handsome.
My email address is xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I like your email address. Send me a card sometime.
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 15:04:54 -0800
Hi! My name is Britta too, but I pronounce it Brihta, like the water filter. My Mom's cousin named his child Britta, too, but I didn't think there were so many Brittas in the U.S.
My sister is always the one to say, "Like the water filter." It is kinda funny to see teachers going down the role with simple names like John Johnson and Dan Smith, then they get to my (our) name and kinda squint. Then there's when a person lights up and you can tell they just thought of a nickname for me.
I love my name! My entire name is Britta Jo Flint, but I would much rather go by Britta then B.J. My parents had no intention of calling me B.J., they gave me Jo as a middle name because my grandma's middle name is Josephine.
You have great talent!
-Britta Jo in Kennewick, WA
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 12:01:04 EST
Subject: Names
Britta, Wow, I have never met anyone with the same name, this is great. I
pronounce my name "Breet" but with the same spelling and you. What
nationallity are you?
By the way, your costumes and cakes are wonderful. I on the other hand do
not have a creative bone in my body and have never dressed up in a costume.
Your ideas are truley unique and very detailed. Maybe I'll get up the nerve
to dress up one of these years. Feel like doing a costume for me? ~~Britta~~
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 12:19:25 +0000
Subject: your really age?
Hi, I am a "Britta" too and from Germany.....I am very impressed on your
website, wow!
But, I could not find your really age. I assume that you were born in
the seventies. Is that right? I should be glad to hear from you soon.
With best regards from Frankfurt, Germany
Britta Jahreiss (33)
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 08:05:53 EST
Subject: Request
Good morning-
my name is Britta Steilmann and I wanted to get in touch with you because I
am a german enviromentalist and fashion designer,that uses the name Britta as
my brand.
I was wondering if you could give me a minute over the phone to explain my
request to you.A lot of people want me to make my clothes awailable through
the internet.
I do own the domains Britta Steilmann.com and Brittas.com.While my sites are
under construction I found yours.Do you think there may be a way to find a
solution to avoid people to bother you with fashion requests on your site.
I would be glad to send you information on my work,so that it is easier to
decide for you .Please feel free to contact me and send me your mail adress.
By the way I share your passion for our name and because I studied in the USA
I know first hand how annoying it is to be called all kinds of names.
Hope to hear from you soon.Have a great November
All the best from Germany
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 18:40:04 -0400
Subject: Hi from another Britta
Hi! im from U.s and my name is Britta too. My friends always make fun of me, calling me" Britta water filter too" nice page by the way
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:15:36 -0600
Subject: Hello from another Britta
Hi there Britta
I too was checking to see if there was anything on the web with my name and there you were! I grew up thinking that I was the only one with the name Britta, which of course was nice, but at the same time I found it frustrating because NO ONE COULD SAY IT!!! It's funny, because it's not that difficult! Ever since the Brita water filter has been around it's been much easier to correct people with their pronunciation.
All through school I was called everything from Brenda to Bridget! Even when I entered the work force people still called me by other names (this with a name tag on!). The only problem I have now is when my husband introduces me he tends to talk a bit fast...right now I think our neighbours still think my name is Roberta! The bottom line is though...I love my name and wouldn't trade it for any other. It is nice to be unique...though I'm quickly finding out there are lots of us out there!!!
The only other thing that people think about my name is that it is short for Brittany or something...it's just Britta, not short for anything! I've always looked for my name in baby books and I could never find it. One book did have it on the top ten for names of girls in Sweden! That didn't help because I wanted to know origins etc. My mom got this name from my aunt's best friend...her name is Britta and my mom just loved it! It's nice to read about all the other Britta's!!!!
Take care,
Britta Cole
Saskatchewan, Canada
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 11:09:37 +0200
Subject: Britta Mania
Hello Britta,
Well it is like this...my girlfriend and I were surfing the web and we
started to randomly type in names of sites...than I discovered that
there was a site with my first name...so we typed in her first name, and
guess what appeared in our screen...yes a true Britta site. It is really
funny to see someone that is just as proud to carry the name Britta as
she does. We are from Holland, I live in Rotterdam and my girlfriend
(Britta) lives in Westmaas. Her mother got the name from a book she was
reading during her pregnancy. I fell for her like a rock. Oh yes I
recently read that in Sweden they call the beautiful period after the
summer (the time that the temperature stay above normal in late summer
and which makes the summerfeeling continue), they call that Britta.
Funny, because that is exactly the feeling she gives to me, the feeling
of warmth and that summer never ends. She wants to make a britta site
for the dutch domain...but this can take a while, because she only
recently surfs the internet...but maybe in an month or three you can
visit the site www.britta.nl
Hope you have lots of emails to your site, it is a great one...With
kindest regards,
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 16:46:40 -0000
Subject: Hello
Hey. I've never met anyone with my name "Britta" let alone think there was a website. You and I are opposites, I pronunce my name "Brih-ta" and it drives me insane when people call me "Bree-ta". This site is cool and it's a great idea!
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 14:17:54 -0500
Hello, my name is Britta too, I do not pronouce it the same as the swede but they do say my name is scandanavian. I am not sure. I really enjoyed your website.
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 21:39:17 EDT
Subject: hi
Just wanted to let you know, I have a 2-1/2 year old daughter named Britta.
I found the name on a list of the 20 most popular girls' names in Sweden (I'm
1/2 Swedish). So far she likes her name! I have met one other Britta in
person, and there's another one who's a morning DJ for one of the local
country stations (KHAK--Cedar Rapids, IA). I enjoyed your site!
Britta's mom
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 10:43:30 -0600
Subject: Hello
Hi, U have no idea who i am but my name is Britta too. I didn't think that
someone else in this worlds name is Britta. And if you care please e-mail me
at xxxxxxxx Thanx Britta.
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 15:25:09 EDT
Subject: britta!
this is really flash to finally find out that you are not the only one who
has to spell out and pronounce your name twice whenever introducing
yourself...! i'm 15 & i go to boarding school in new england, and i do crew
and theatre and generally have a pretty good time...
my entire name is german (britta is "orginal" and my other names are
seriously old), and i pronounce it the "american" way, like the water
filter... my german teacher says that the proper way to say it *is* bree-ta
tho. i'm getting the feeling that we need to figure out what the *real*
meaning of our name is (from britain? strong? protective? ...i've evening
heard "name given to teutonic --a celtic tribe from present
german/scandinavian areas-- princesses") i would love to get to the bottom of
it... !
i've actually used the water filter thing to my advantage... when introducing
myself to new people, i just say : "britta, like the water filter... but two
t's." and hold up two fingers for extra coolness, :) which people usually get
a kick out of, considering how a lot of other people that share their names
with products usually don't like to remind anyone! (consequently, it has
become a bit of a goofy trademark and my friends who've seen this more than a
few times roll their eyes whenever i say it)...
please check out my site... britta.homepage.com -- your site is really well
-britta hess
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 18:59:53 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: same name
Just thought it was interesting that you were from the Northwest. At
least I assume you are since you mentioned places like Astoria and Seattle
on your website. My name is Britta Kallunki and I am from Clatskanie,
Oregon. About a half hour from Astoria. My grandfather was Finnish so
it's interesting that I ended up with a Swedish name. Do you know if it's
common in Finland too? I've grown up pronouncing my name in english
(Brihtah) so it's not as annoying to me. Sometimes I just use the water
filter to explain what my name is. People always want to call me Brenda
or Brittany. Hate both those names. I go to Pacific University and since
I have been here (3 years so far) two more Britta's have joined me. One
spells it Britta and the other Brita. Anyway, hope this didn't bore you
too badly. Thought your sight was very interesting.
Britta Kallunki
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 02:10:45 EDT
Subject: greetings from another Britta
Dear Britta!
Well, I always knew that Britta was a special name. I grew up in Gemany when
I was the only Britta called girl. Now, living in the US it has been the
same. I know what you mean aout the mispronounciation of my/our name!
Do you know that Britta also has to do with the Nordic Goddess of Light? It
means so much as light and brightness. Good for a roaring Leo like you! Shiny
and golden!
Thank you for Britta.com. I had thought about naming my business Britta.com.
Well, I guess I am too late. There is still some other Britta spots to be
had. How did you design your website? It's really great. I am not that
computer literate but I speak languages you probably would like to speak, if
you don;t speak them already. Curious? E-mail me.
Best wishes, Blessed Be, Britta!
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 23:08:39 -0400
Subject: Britta is the best name ever!!!!!
Hey Britta (i have never said "hey Britta" to anyone in my life because no one has had the same name as me)
I thought i was the only Britta in the world!!! Well i guess not!!!! Britta is the best name, you know it's Swedish i hope???? I'm half swedish because my dad was from Sweden, I just went there this summer for my 2nd time and it was awesome!!!!! Well i'm 15 and love soccer and have blond hair just like almost all swedish girls!!! well once again Britta's rule!!!! Bye Britta!!!!! Please E-mail me back Britta cause i think it's awesome that we have the same name!!!!!!
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 23:04:24 -0500
I was just surfing the internet, and discovered that we have the exact same name. No one that I know has this name, of course there are variations of it, and different spellings, but not exactly the same-until now. Where are you exactly from? I live in Strafford Missouri, and attend college at Missouri Valley College in Marshall MO. How did you get this name? My grandparents were from Sweden, and my grandma's middle name is Britta, so that is how mine came about. Just thought it was neat!!!!
Britta Leigh Hokanson
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 21:17:32 -0500
Subject: Hi!
Hi! My name is Britta Hazel. I'm 13 and I didn't think anyone else in the world was named Britta. My real name is Brittany. I liked your webpage. Well gotta go! Thanks for being another Britta.
Britta Hazel
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 17:01:59 -0500
Subject: to britta from marynell
my oldest and best friend is a woman named britta and i am at her computer
right now and we would like to know the history or how you got your name.
by the way, great artwork. thank you from marynell and britta
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 12:36:47 -0700
Subject: cool name
Hey fellow Britta,
Some lying web hosting co. said that britta.com wasn't taken, but they
were apparently wrong. No hard feelings though. I just wanted to touch
base with someone else who has to deal with "What's you're name?" "Like
the water filter!" ::smack!!:: I never had a pet peeve until that
thing became popular. That's a really good idea to put that link on
your site. Anyways, here's my URL link. I belong in a webring of
Supporters of Mummies Alive (a discontinued cartoon) I am an aspiring
animator so I found a comfy home with other cartoon fans.
(I gotta get a new URL)
Write back*_~
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 16:47:24 -0500
Subject: Your name
Well, it did take some searching, but I finally found out you ARE Swedish. I was just wondering what would happen if I typed in www.___myname___.com
And your page came up.
Hej da fran en andra Britta
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 21:15:27 +0200 (MEST)
Subject: your homepage
hi britta!
my name is (also) britta and i`ve just been on your homepage. i think you
did it very well. well, i saw that you are a musical person.
i have been playing the piano for 5 and the clarinet for 4 years. tihs
year i will start playing the saxophone. i would like to know how long you
it and how your experiences are. i am looking forward ot your answer.
please excuse my english but I am from Germany and I am not used to write
emails in english :-)!
C U soon britta
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 21:17:23 EDT
Subject: (no subject)
no offense but you don't do a very good job of hiding your identity. one of
my friends is named britta. she typed in britta.com and found your web site.
you may want to not put last names on your web page. there are crazy people
in this world. don't you know that? just warning you i have heard some
pretty weird stories. nice Halloween costumes! : )
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 16:34:26 -0400
Subject: hi BRITTA!!
hey, you don't know me. i am only 14 years old.i looked at your websight and we don't have alot in comman except for 2 things. #1 your car is sooo awesome. #2 MY NAME IS BRITTA TOO. usually two people with the same name don't really care that there name are the same. but i am the only britta in,like, the whole state of indiana. so when i saw your name was britta i was like "cool!" are you swedish? i am and our school's foreign exchange student said it was really popular in sweden. one more thing,Do you get the water filter joke alot. i get it all the time. it is like my trademark now. but i think it is cool having a name that nobody else has. well bye.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 17:29:09 PST
Subject: cool page!
hey Britta! My name is Britta also, and I'm a freshman at Texas Tech. I
just checked out your page and it's really cool...your friends seem
about as wacko as mine. I've never actually met anyone else w/ my name,
so that's pretty cool that I found your page. I saw you have a link to
the Brita waterfilter..that's the first thing people ask me when they
find out my name..so frustrating huh??hehe!
Anyway, I also have a page and it really sucks, but you can check it out
sometime! http://www.geocities.com/collegepark/square/8563/britta.html
please e-mail me back! thanks!
-Britta :~)~
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 16:27:57 -0500
Subject: I hope you get this
Hi Britta: I was pokin around on the net and was glad to find your
site. I have a 9 year old daughter who is named Britta, and she is
quick to tell you that she is not a water filter either. My 7 year old
son's name is believe it or not Erik. My wife's family originated in
Sweden and were Erikson's. The only difference is we have one more 5
year old named Haley. Britta is a 5 year veteran of the Violin, and in
August will be heading to the UK to sing at Rochester Catherdral, Exeter
and St Pauls London, for 3 weeks with the church choir. This is a great
WebSite. When I get the Computer at home hooked to the Net I will make
sure Britta hops over for a peek.
Bob Allen
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 21:40:59 -0600
Subject: I've never met another Britta before
My husband was being funny and typed in www.britta.com, thinking that
nothing would come up, and we found your site. I really like the 'Brita'
water filter link at the bottom of your page. I get that all the time
"Britta, like the water filter?" You are the first person that I've come
across with my name. Just out of curiosity, where did your parents get
your name? My dad's German, and that's where I got mine.
P.S. It also appears we have a few things in common. We have a black cat
(Shiner) very similar to yours, and I also sing soprano.
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 03:41:11 EST
Subject: Hi!
Hi, my name is Emily, and I live in Seattle. Well, I just wanted to E-mail
you because I love your name.. :) My best friend's name is Britta too. She's
14 like me, and we don't know anyone else who has Britta as their name. So, I
just thought it was really kool to finally find someone. :)
Love Always,
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 14:57:01 -0700
Subject: Britta
Hi, I think your website is so cool. My name is Britta also. It is not
short for any name, is your name shorter for another name? I have met
no other "Britta's" yet so this is pretty cool. I went to Germany this
summer and the name is very popular there. Juts thought I'd say hi and
it's great to meet another Britta. ~Britta
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 18:35:25 -0700
Subject: Hi!!
Hi!!! How are you? You won't beleive how I found this site. Well Maybe you will but hey I am gonna let you know anyway. My friend's name is Britta and we were playing around to see if we could find any web sites that have our name in them and as soon as she typed hers in it came to this one. COOL HUH? jk. So do people make fun of your name too? Well they do at hers but she ,most of the time,
Just laughs with them. Well It has been nice talking to you and if you wish to write back here is my email. xxxxxxxxxxx and yes there is two of those bar line thingy's.
Love Me
hope to hear from you.
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 12:33:09 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Hi Britta!
Dear Britta,
Hi. I am sending you this because I have the same name as you. well, not exactly the same. My name is Britta Leigh Rempel. I'd never met anyone with the same name as me before. Anyhow Hi! I loved your web page, you can probably guess how I stubbled on to it.... I was wondering, do you have an obsession with Britain by any chance. I sort of do and I was wondering if it comes with the name? Anyhow, I used to hate my name, but I've come to like it as I'm sure you have. Britta is a strong name for a strong person... at least that's what I read somewhere. It also means someone from England. Anyway, maybe I'll get back to you sometime. Have a nice day... Love Britta
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 19:10:39 EST
Subject: fellow britta
hello fellow Britta. I don't personally know anyone else who has my name, I
thought your site was interesting. i'm sure you don't care, but I was bored,
so thanks for the entertainment!
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 15:22:01 PST
Subject: similar name!
hello! my name is Britta, too. My friend thought it would be funny to
type in www.britta.com because he makes fun of my name anyway (b/c of
its uncommonness) and we saw your webpage. I was just curious why you
made that webpage (since I discovered it on accident) and how you got
named Britta.
Please e-mail me back at xxxxxxxxxxx
(ps) my email stands for "swedish-fish", all my friends call me that
because my name is swedish (i'm not)!
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 16:24:07 EST
Subject: couple of things britta....
saturday, december 5, 1998
dear britta,
may i address a couple of things with you?
first. my fiance's name is britta. i put in a britta.com address and i came
up with your web page... and totally enjoyed meeting you and your family and
your friends.
thank you for putting it together. it is a nice and refreshing stop along the
info super hwy.
second. my fiancee ... britta (of north muskegon, michigan) would like to
know if you know her friend juliet olson. if you do not respond i will
understand....but i think you will....anyway...let time be the judge.... you
can see there is a match of wills involved here...
anyway, britta peterson... thank you for the nice web page.... keep up the
good work...
adios and buena suerte...
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 18:34:32 -0700
Subject: Britta
I like your artwork. I have always wanted to be an artist, and geuss
what my name is Britta!
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 23:17:23 EDT
Subject: another britta :-)
hi britta, i'm britta. :-) i'm 19 and live on cape cod, MA...
i was just fooling around on the web, and typed in www.britta.com to see if
my name was taken. your website was a welcome surprise!! i like your artwork
(especially the ocean scene on tiles), and all your pictures. u are pretty.
and yes, u and your mom look very alike -- me and my mom too! when it was
parent-teacher conference day, my teachers would always go, "oh, u must be
britta's mom!" without her saying a thing. :-) we have the same haircut, same
tevas, and green saturns...so i guess we add to it. LOL
anyway... i don't want to ramble on too much! just wanted to say hi.
take care,
ps -- do people ever call u "water filter" too???
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 19:59:19 +0200
Subject: Geetings from Germany
Hy Britta,
good Pages ! I surfed here because my Girlfriends name is Britta, and I have
Used a Search-Engine about her Name.
So I Found your Page.
Greetings from Germany from me and my Grilfriend !
Sorry for my bad English
Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 18:00:37 +0200
Subject: your Hompage
Hallo Britta,
My name is "Britta" Schwickerath, I am from Germany.
Your Hompage is very good.
If you are interested, please mail back!
all the best,
Britta "Schnucky" Schwickerath
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 16:04:32, -0500
Subject: hi
This is someone who saw your site and someone else named Britta. We
think it sux and you give Britta a bad name, But other then that your
cute and I hope you have a nice life. It's been a pleaseure making
fun of your site and your friends. Till Next Time.