ticketid: 164023 owner: group: noc.hot subject: BUDDAH: buddha wtg. for enlightenment priority: 99 opendate: 03DEC96 09:39 editdate: 23JUL97 10:04 closedate: 23JUL97 10:03 status: closed =============================================================================== INFO date: 03DEC96 09:39 owner: newquist (Jason Newquist) 482446 ticket opened by newquist =============================================================================== TEXT date: 03DEC96 09:39 owner: newquist (Jason Newquist) 482448 Goddamn! PING 64 data bytes *******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!*!!!*!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!*!*!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!*!!*!!**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!^C!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!*!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!***!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!*!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**! *!****!**!**!!*!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!*!!!*!!!!* ---- PING Statistics---- 567 transmitted, 514 received, 313 duplicates, 9.35% packet loss. round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 16.373/6446.992/11163.289 Something's wrong. Take a look at this, please. =============================================================================== INFO date: 03DEC96 10:41 owner: deleted-tom (DELETED - Tom Jauch) 482576 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "NEW: buddha packet loss". New subject is "JCONTI: buddha packet loss". =============================================================================== INFO date: 03DEC96 10:58 owner: deleted-jconti (DELETED - Joe Conti) 482618 ticket group assigned to "noc". Previous group was "noc.incoming". ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "JCONTI: buddha packet loss". New subject is "JCONTI: buddha packet loss". =============================================================================== TEXT date: 03DEC96 10:58 owner: newquist (Jason Newquist) 482619 We've still got a huge problem: PING 64 data bytes ******!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!*!!!!!!! !!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!*!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!*!***!*!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !^C!!!**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! ---- PING Statistics---- 599 transmitted, 570 received, 284 duplicates, 4.84% packet loss. round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 16.943/6076.544/8268.547 6000 ms roundtrip ?! Call telco immediately. =============================================================================== TEXT date: 03DEC96 16:27 owner: duane (Duane Davis) 483228 PING JASON.NEWQUIST: 64 data bytes ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ----JASON.NEWQUIST PING Statistics---- 599 transmitted, 599 received, 599 duplicates, -100.00% packet loss. round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = .1/.2/.2 =============================================================================== INFO date: 03DEC96 16:31 owner: emuller (Erik Muller) 483230 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "JCONTI: buddha packet loss". New subject is "NEWQUIST: buddha packet loss". =============================================================================== INFO date: 03DEC96 16:32 owner: emuller (Erik Muller) 483232 ticket assigned to "newquist". =============================================================================== TEXT date: 03DEC96 16:42 owner: newquist (Jason Newquist) 483250 Not much progress today. Trying to call customer, but not having much luck locating a dbfile. =============================================================================== INFO date: 03DEC96 17:19 owner: emuller (Erik Muller) 483335 ticket owner removed. Previous owner was "newquist". =============================================================================== TEXT date: 04DEC96 00:37 owner: emuller (Erik Muller) 483533 Perhaps the espresso machine was misoptioned for flavored beans? =============================================================================== INFO date: 04DEC96 00:40 owner: deleted-kubica (DELETED - Ryan Kubica) 483539 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "NEWQUIST: buddha packet loss". New subject is "MVELEZ: buddha packet loss". =============================================================================== TEXT date: 04DEC96 01:05 owner: ralph (Ralph Pearson) 483590 It's looking better since I reseated the plug: ****!!!!!*!!*!*!!!!!!!!!!!*!*!*!!!*!!!!*!!!!!!*!*!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!*!*! !!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!*!**!!*!!!*!*!!!!*!!!!**!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!*!! *!!*!!**!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!*!!!!*!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!! !*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!*!!!!*!!*!!!!!!!*!!!!!*!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!**!**! !!****!!!!!!!!!!!*!!*!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!^C!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !***!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!*!!*!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!! !!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!*!*!*!!^C ---- PING Statistics---- 634 transmitted, 534 received, 270 duplicates, 15.77% packet loss. round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 1.213/1431.474/3549.276 var/sdev/skew/kurt = 206558.079/454.487/-0.670/4.148 =============================================================================== TEXT date: 04DEC96 06:29 owner: deleted-mvelez (DELETED - Mike Velez) 483721 Called NYNEX for performance monitors to be placed on this circuit but, typically, they are out of both testsets *and* filters. Buh and buh again. =============================================================================== TEXT date: 04DEC96 08:18 owner: duane (Duane Davis) 483812 Nynex called back and says that this isn't their circuit. It belongs to PG&E. Called PG&E and asked them to test the circuit. =============================================================================== INFO date: 04DEC96 08:31 owner: deleted-kubica (DELETED - Ryan Kubica) 483842 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "MVELEZ: buddha packet loss". New subject is "NEWQUIST: buddha packet loss". =============================================================================== TEXT date: 04DEC96 09:19 owner: deleted-casey (DELETED - Casey Stewart) 483933 you guys are just wacky :) =============================================================================== TEXT date: 04DEC96 09:59 owner: newquist (Jason Newquist) 484025 I found the dbfile in the "research" directory. This should help us isolate the issue a bit further. ---- acc-name: nbuddha status: open name: "Shopping For Nirvana" Technologies company-phone: (666) 555-1212 company-address: Two Hours South of the Bodhi Tree China company-fax: -- technical-contact: Siddhartha technical-email: !desires@noc.netcom.net technical-phone: (no phone necessary) technical-fax: -- technical-address: -- marketing-contact: Dalai Llama type: 1536k T1 circuit-id: 8FOLDPATH customer-router-type: IRX211 customer-router-serno: A1229535 customer-dsu: DL080 customer-dsu-serno: 9452423 pop: tql-moon (Mare Tranquilitis, Moon) port: tql-moon-gw2:s3 t1-supv-port: tql-moon-pm1:s13 remote-ip: remote-frame-ip: -- login: !root password: dharma protocol: btp (Buddhic Transmission Protocol) network: 192.187.130 domain-name: noc.netcom.net netcom-ic: Jay Adelson install-date: 1/1/96 primary-ns: ns1.noc.netcom.net ( secondary-ns: ns2.noc.netcom.net ( updated: add misc information down here 1/1/96 Circuit okay, power good, equipment configured. --ja 1/15/96 Customer has a machine colated in the NOC. ANY QUESTIONS, SEE ME IMMEDIATELY!!! --ja =============================================================================== INFO date: 04DEC96 10:26 owner: deleted-tom (DELETED - Tom Jauch) 484061 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "NEWQUIST: buddha packet loss". New subject is "KUBICA: buddha packet loss". =============================================================================== TEXT date: 04DEC96 15:35 owner: deleted-kubica (DELETED - Ryan Kubica) 484618 Erm. =============================================================================== INFO date: 04DEC96 16:25 owner: newquist (Jason Newquist) 484705 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "KUBICA: buddha packet loss". New subject is "KUBICA: buddha SNAFU". =============================================================================== INFO date: 04DEC96 17:43 owner: bbrother (Big Brother) 484763 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "KUBICA: buddha SNAFU". New subject is "EMULLER: buddha SNAFU". =============================================================================== TEXT date: 04DEC96 21:44 owner: emuller (Erik Muller) 484943 Customer has some bizarre filtering in place - telnets to any port fail, and while it seems to allow outbound EBP (Espresso Bean Protocol) traffic, it only works for very small packets (They have a grinder on site to fragment the packets properly for transmission). =============================================================================== INFO date: 04DEC96 21:48 owner: emuller (Erik Muller) 484944 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "EMULLER: buddha SNAFU". New subject is "EMULLER: buddha wtg. for nirvana". =============================================================================== INFO date: 04DEC96 22:02 owner: emuller (Erik Muller) 484948 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "EMULLER: buddha wtg. for nirvana". New subject is "EMULLER: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". =============================================================================== INFO date: 05DEC96 00:30 owner: bbrother (Big Brother) 485002 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "EMULLER: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". New subject is "MVELEZ: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". =============================================================================== TEXT date: 05DEC96 03:12 owner: ralph (Ralph Pearson) 485128 I forgot to mention that I took apart their filters yesterday and reassembled them. They had been corrupted somehow, supposedly by improperly formatted headers. There is a bug in the OS that will cause the filters to become corrupted over time; the hardware manufacturer says that this is due to data being run through the router without the proper header compression. I have seen performance with compressed data, but I think this filter corruption is inevitable, and we'll just have to get used to the idea of cleaning up their filters every so often. =============================================================================== INFO date: 05DEC96 08:46 owner: bbrother (Big Brother) 485361 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "MVELEZ: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". New subject is "NEWQUIST: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". =============================================================================== TEXT date: 05DEC96 10:12 owner: newquist (Jason Newquist) 485581 Based on Ralph's diagnosis, I attempted to get into the circuit and sniff packets. I've now got a hole in my nose. I'm getting the appropriate worker's comp forms from Ralph. =============================================================================== INFO date: 05DEC96 16:45 owner: bbrother (Big Brother) 486336 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "NEWQUIST: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". New subject is "FARRIS: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". =============================================================================== INFO date: 06DEC96 00:48 owner: bbrother (Big Brother) 486710 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "FARRIS: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". New subject is "LIN: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". =============================================================================== INFO date: 06DEC96 08:33 owner: bbrother (Big Brother) 487002 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "LIN: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". New subject is "DUANE: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". =============================================================================== INFO date: 06DEC96 17:10 owner: bbrother (Big Brother) 488025 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "DUANE: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". New subject is "MIKEP: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". =============================================================================== INFO date: 07DEC96 00:57 owner: bbrother (Big Brother) 488207 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "MIKEP: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". New subject is "CLAYNE: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". =============================================================================== TEXT date: 07DEC96 01:40 owner: clayne (Chris Layne) 488271 Please don't assign this crap to me. It's not like I don't already have 20 tickets to work on. =============================================================================== INFO date: 07DEC96 01:41 owner: clayne (Chris Layne) 488272 ticket subject changed. Previous subject was "CLAYNE: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". New subject is "BUDDAH: buddha wtg. for enlightenment". priority changed to 99. Previous priority was 1. =============================================================================== TEXT date: 07DEC96 03:00 owner: lin (Louis Lin) 488304 this has outlived it value as comic relief... =============================================================================== INFO date: 07DEC96 03:01 owner: lin (Louis Lin) 488305 ticket closed by lin =============================================================================== INFO date: 23JUL97 09:53 owner: clayne (Chris Layne) 805117 ticket reopened by clayne =============================================================================== INFO date: 23JUL97 09:57 owner: clayne (Chris Layne) 805124 ticket group assigned to "noc.hot". Previous group was "noc". =============================================================================== INFO date: 23JUL97 09:57 owner: clayne (Chris Layne) 805125 ticket group assigned to "noc.hot". Previous group was "noc". =============================================================================== INFO date: 23JUL97 10:03 owner: clayne (Chris Layne) 805140 ticket closed by clayne TICKET #164023