(no, NOT the
By no means is this a comprehensive list of all my friends in the world, but it's a start. :) If for some reason
you feel left out, please let me
know, and I'll include you whenever I next get to update this page of
- Cibo Cantabimus
Most of the friends I still know from my time at UCDavis (Jeff Ouye, Louie Lee, Stephanie Manansala, and Tracia and Doug Barbieri) are singing geeks who since 1997 have been calling ourselves "Cibo Cantabimus" which is loosely translated as "Will Sing For Food"...we have our own website here, including MP3s of us singing live...
- The Home of TRUG
Tracia and Doug are the only other members of Cibo who currently have their own website at the Home of TRUG...
- Dave Taubler
Another fellow singer & music geek from UCD, but who has since moved out of state (waah for me) is Dave Taubler...
- Robert Reeves
Another fellow UCD grad is Robert Reeves...who knows when his website was last updated, but it's still live on the web and still ultra-cool! ;)
- The Choral Project
I have been a member of the Choral Project since 1999, and I have a LOT of friends there! Come see a concert or buy a CD...we're REALLY good... ;)
- Steelhead Studio
Not too many members of the Choral Project seem to be geeks enough to have their own websites like me, but Robin does! She makes beautiful jewelry under her Steelhead Studio design company, either custom or you can purchase from designs she already has in her as an independent artist! :)
- Casa Roble Class of 1989 Ten-Year Reunion
I attended my ten-year highschool reunion in August 1999 which was a lot of fun...see some photos here...
What good is having a personal website if you can't post embarassing photos of your friends? *evil grin*
(click to see some pictures
if you dare...)
- Stephanie
Manansala (nee Davis)
Okay, Steph...Here you go...but don't say
I didn't warn you! This might teach you to complain about the lack of Stephanie on Britta Blvd...? Hee,
- Jeff
Well, believe it or not, he wasn't even
drunk when the boxers were on his head!
- Tracia and
Doug Barbieri (TRUG), new and improved with Ashlyn and Kian!
The authentic English trug has moved over to the TRUG website, but I still don't think they have these pictures on their own pages!
- Louis Lee
Louie is featured on the costume page as well...hee, hee!
- Jeff
Just a couple of him here, but you can see plenty of him all over the rest of these pages, you know...
- Assorted Others
No, I don't personally know anyone by that name, but wouldn't that be a nice name...maybe "Assorta D'Others"?
(Clockwise from top left:
Louis Lee,
Jeff Ouye,
Tracia Barbieri,
Britta Peterson,
Jeff Johnson and
Amy Smith)